Hey ya'll !
I just want to send out a quick update to let people know I'm still in this fight and beginning to make some real head way...
Over all things are better. Mercury does not have a grip on me as it once did. It completely ruled and ruined my life, But I'm starting to gain the upper hand. Imagine a kid walking home from school and every day getting beat up by the same kid. For a long time, I was that little kid who was too scared to fight back so I just took its abuse. but one day, I had enough and put the book bag down and put the dooks up ! the merc monster still gets the upper hand but Ive knocked him down a few times and with every round, I'm getting stronger and its getting weaker !
Some of the symptoms that I have seen improvement in are for 1) the brain fog....still my biggest complaint. I work in the engineering department on ships. It is only by the grace of God I was able to keep my job due to how bad my memory was in times past but I've noticed my ability to remember things that 2-3 years ago I could not. I always forgot where I parked my car...No longer a problem.
Also my grammar skills are getting better. I still misspell words as I'm sure I will in this post, but there were times the letters on the keyboard might as well been in Chinese.
Emotions have also cleared significantly. The days of doom and gloom for no apparent reason have pretty much passed. I remember the depression was so bad I almost started charging it rent but its just no longer an issue. Thank God ! =)
Anger on round as well as off still come but if you could imagine the hair test analysis sheet with all our symptoms in the left hand corner, I was in the red in everything. ( Not minerals but symptoms ;)
but they are about half with another half way to go.
I'm currently on 25 mg of DMSA and 9.5 of ALA. I need to go up next round, I have to keep it low because I cant afford to deal with the redistribution whilst at sea. I'm going to bump up the ALA to 12.5 my next round and order some more DMSA. I'll probably bump that up to 30 mg.
I'm guessing I'm probably a 70 or 80- rounder. When I'm at 100 mg of both DMSA and ALA and I can do rounds with no side effects, I will do the suggested 6 months of rounds after no side effects but for now I'll work on finishing with round 41 ! =)
Grace and Peace,
Joe R
Wednesday, December 18, 2013
Friday, October 11, 2013
Round 34 down.
This round kind of took the motivation to be at work. The brain fog is losing its grip but still noticeable to my co-workers. Anger was the worst it's ever been. I'm surprised my head didn't just explode from anger. I hope when I get home, I can get some juice fasting done to possibly kill off this candida and parasites. I have mold issues in my home so I'll be moving out in January. I'm hardly there anyway, with the colder weather coming, it shouldn't pose a problem. I just have to get rid of my couch and clean the house from top to bottom with a mask. I hate this mercury affecting my life and look forward to the day it's gone.
Sunday, October 6, 2013
round 33 complete.
As usual, its been a long time since I've posted anything on here. Chelation has been quite a struggle for me. Being a sea going man in my occupation its not always favorable for a mercury poisoned guy to get a round in so I'm always having to hold off rounds but I think I'm in a good stride with chelation. I finshed round 33 whilst at sea and I actually just started round 34. I find that things are more difficult when stopping chelation for a period of time and then picking it back up. Its as if chelation clears some areas that mercury has caused , whether it being physical, emotional or mental. The physical is mainly asthmatic symptoms when eating Gluten as well as causing itchy rashes on my skin.The soles of my feet get it the worst. It itches uncontrollably and I have to itch till it bleeds and then limp around for a day or two but its better than the feeling of a deep itch. Gluten and especially sugar causes the worst reactions. When I'm not on ship and I'm sticking to my Paleo type diet this clears up significantly. The emotional ,I had thought was behind me ,but due to a major setback with an attempt at round 20 with DMPS, it brought everything right back as if the merc monster was saying "Yep, I'm still here! " The anger is also back but mainly when I begin a round and from what I've read countless times , this is the DMSA and how it does us mercury folks wrong. The mental is more a obssesiveness. If someone crosses me I can focus on ways I dislike this person in a thousand different ways. So the mind and emotions play off of one another.I don't know whether the brain fog is a mental or physical thing. Most would say its mental but its triggered by foods as well as chemicals but being that we have neurons in our digestive tracts, it may be a bit of both. I know once the mercury passes the blood brian barrier, it degenerates the nubrial fibers, hindering the neurons from sending messages so that we can thunk an intelligent thought. I really want my brain cells back. mercury is bunkered down in my brian, in a foxhole and those silver little suckers are just not giving up their position! Their coming out whether they like it or not!
I felt pretty bad last night. I was three days off round and had a cup of coffee and it was one of the best cups of coffee Ive ever had. I felt great. I feel like it cleared something in my endocrine system and made me feel happy happy happy! I told a friend, coffee to me is like russian roulette. I can drink a cup and feel great from it and other times it will give me panic attacks.
A new thing while chelating is insatiable thirst. I mean, I have never drank this much water in my life. I wake up at night with pains in my body because I'm so thirsty. I roll over , grab a bottle of water, the bottle does not leave my lips until its completely gone and I roll over to go back to sleep only to wake up for another dose and another bottle of water. I just started adding sea salt to my meals this morning. I also took some adrenal cortex and whichever it was, I'm not thirsty anymore. So I'll do both until I can get off here and figure it out from home.
So thats it in a nutshell. I would praobably say I'm half way done. Maybe I'm a 60 or 70 rounder. I'm definitely not what I was, in a good way. But not where I want to be.My learning ability has increased noticibly. I can put the plant on system.i.e. fire the ship up all by myself with little to know help. this is a 315 ft diesel/electric ship and is difficult for anyone to learn and I've learned it to a point where my bosses have recognized it and frequently tell me job well done. I'm a year away from my license, Lord willing. The test is extremely hard, even for the highly intelligent so I'm going to have to start hitting the books and not long from now, I'll be a licensed officer. A dream that would blow me away if it ever came true !
I believe if I could get a 3-7 day juice fast in, it would knock out a good portion of this candida and my skin issues would all but vanish. Also, I believe that it would clean out a lot of unseen things. Parasites, cleansing of detox pathways etc etc that would set my chelation in high gear. I just have to get home and not succumb to going over peoples homes and eating forbidden foods.
Thats all I've got for now folks,
In Christ,
Joe R
I felt pretty bad last night. I was three days off round and had a cup of coffee and it was one of the best cups of coffee Ive ever had. I felt great. I feel like it cleared something in my endocrine system and made me feel happy happy happy! I told a friend, coffee to me is like russian roulette. I can drink a cup and feel great from it and other times it will give me panic attacks.
A new thing while chelating is insatiable thirst. I mean, I have never drank this much water in my life. I wake up at night with pains in my body because I'm so thirsty. I roll over , grab a bottle of water, the bottle does not leave my lips until its completely gone and I roll over to go back to sleep only to wake up for another dose and another bottle of water. I just started adding sea salt to my meals this morning. I also took some adrenal cortex and whichever it was, I'm not thirsty anymore. So I'll do both until I can get off here and figure it out from home.
So thats it in a nutshell. I would praobably say I'm half way done. Maybe I'm a 60 or 70 rounder. I'm definitely not what I was, in a good way. But not where I want to be.My learning ability has increased noticibly. I can put the plant on system.i.e. fire the ship up all by myself with little to know help. this is a 315 ft diesel/electric ship and is difficult for anyone to learn and I've learned it to a point where my bosses have recognized it and frequently tell me job well done. I'm a year away from my license, Lord willing. The test is extremely hard, even for the highly intelligent so I'm going to have to start hitting the books and not long from now, I'll be a licensed officer. A dream that would blow me away if it ever came true !
I believe if I could get a 3-7 day juice fast in, it would knock out a good portion of this candida and my skin issues would all but vanish. Also, I believe that it would clean out a lot of unseen things. Parasites, cleansing of detox pathways etc etc that would set my chelation in high gear. I just have to get home and not succumb to going over peoples homes and eating forbidden foods.
Thats all I've got for now folks,
In Christ,
Joe R
Monday, July 8, 2013
Currently on round 30
Well, Here I am. I'm currently on round 30 of the Andy Cutler protocol. I t'm taking 25 mg of DMSA and 6.25 mg of ALA. If you've read any of my past posts you'd see that my mg's were higher at one point but due to a bad reaction to DMPS around round 20 or so, I felt I was repoisoned and it set me back some. I'm just now starting to feel like I'm approaching where I was four months ago. My mind started to clear, Brain fog has been my biggest gripe. Still is. I don't know how long this will take but I know it's working and thats all that matters. I'm dreaming almost every night now. There are moments when I'll have that real heavy brain fog where you can't remember anything but those moments are far better than where I was when I first started this journey. Those moments where my constant state of reality. I read a blog the other day from Aine, the author of "Getting the Mercury out" and she's for the most part done. She has no ill affects from the mercury and is going on with her life and leaving all that mercury has done to her behind. That sounds very appealing to me. I'm sick of this little reality that I live in. Its a reality to me but to those around me its some foolish thing I got sucked into believing. Its even harder when you know someone who is struggling with the effect that mercury has on them and they sweep it under the rug as foolishness. I've been more quiter about my poisoning lately. I'm thinking another year and I hope to be done like Aine is. I work on ships but my first love is Christ. Those who are mercury suffers know how the gloom of the toxic metal can really weigh you down, feeling depressed and moody, unintelligent. Unable to be in normal relationships. I was at a friends house last time I was home, a very well rounded family. I was building them a chicken coop and ended up staying for dinner. As they laughed and joked and enjoyed the night, engaging in intelligent conversations I sat there and did my best to fit in. Their my Christian family and I love them but oh how I long to have my heart in mind in the conversations instead of just spacing out. This also affects my relationship with God. Not His drawing close to me, only my understanding of His love and grace in my life. Mercury is a very dark cloud, a cloud thaty clouds the mind and emotions with negaitve emotions. One of the things that Aine had said in her blog is that their are no more "weird" emotions. I'm ready to move on with my life.
Ive set a goal in my life when this mercury is gone. I don't know if it's Gods will but my desire to go out on a Christian missionary ship for 6 months to 1 year is something that has been growing in me.
Hopefully, That si something that will happen ! =)
30 rounds down !
Blesings in Christ, Joey <><
Ive set a goal in my life when this mercury is gone. I don't know if it's Gods will but my desire to go out on a Christian missionary ship for 6 months to 1 year is something that has been growing in me.
Hopefully, That si something that will happen ! =)
30 rounds down !
Blesings in Christ, Joey <><
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Round 26 and 27 done.
I have got to be the slowest chelator in the world ! As I was typing in the address to my blog I was thinking about how long it has been since amalgam removal. This September it will be 3 years since I had the 2nd most toxic element on the planet removed from my teeth. It did however take me sometime after that till I found the Cutler protocol. I should be on my 50th or 60th round but do to my work I have to go slow, slow and steady is the name of the game.
I'm currently on the 28th round and this being the fourth attempt, my most epic fail at any round to this date. I slept past a round twice, once forgot if I took a dose and by accident took another dose and my next dose would have caused redistribution becuase the prior dose was doubled, releasing more mercury and the next dose , there just wasn't enough chelator to grab it all. and my mercury poisoned mind can't remember the fourth reason.
I can say that improvements are there. Though I feel the mercury affecting my life, it's not as strong as it used to be. I still struggle looking for words, My emotions still can get out of whack but as I explained to a friend via email. In Nov. of 10' I was laid off from my job. I would get panick attacks, I was extremely insecure in my work performance, days I just couldn't look at any body in the eye. My desire to be left alone just cried out but being that I work on ships, there's no where to go, so I had to fake the funk. Back then on a scale of 1-10. 1 being very minimal effects by the mercury, hardly noticable and 10 being hospitilized for panic attacks and depression. I was an 8 in 2010. Today I'm a 4-5. Today felt like a 6. But there are days when I'm home I'm feeling like a 2-3.
The one thing I noticed is my ability to dream has been pretty consistant. Call it 4 days a week.
Even though the brain fog is still an issue, I think in 20 rounds from now I'm going to see some pretty tremendous gains.
The Candida comes and goes, right now its not bothering me all that much. While I'm on ship I can't stay away from Gluten. I simply eat what they feed me, I try to stick to a Paleo type diet and when I'm home, I'm very strict with my diet.
Just glad there's light at the end of the tunnel, looking forward to being mercury free !
in Christ, Joe R.
I'm currently on the 28th round and this being the fourth attempt, my most epic fail at any round to this date. I slept past a round twice, once forgot if I took a dose and by accident took another dose and my next dose would have caused redistribution becuase the prior dose was doubled, releasing more mercury and the next dose , there just wasn't enough chelator to grab it all. and my mercury poisoned mind can't remember the fourth reason.
I can say that improvements are there. Though I feel the mercury affecting my life, it's not as strong as it used to be. I still struggle looking for words, My emotions still can get out of whack but as I explained to a friend via email. In Nov. of 10' I was laid off from my job. I would get panick attacks, I was extremely insecure in my work performance, days I just couldn't look at any body in the eye. My desire to be left alone just cried out but being that I work on ships, there's no where to go, so I had to fake the funk. Back then on a scale of 1-10. 1 being very minimal effects by the mercury, hardly noticable and 10 being hospitilized for panic attacks and depression. I was an 8 in 2010. Today I'm a 4-5. Today felt like a 6. But there are days when I'm home I'm feeling like a 2-3.
The one thing I noticed is my ability to dream has been pretty consistant. Call it 4 days a week.
Even though the brain fog is still an issue, I think in 20 rounds from now I'm going to see some pretty tremendous gains.
The Candida comes and goes, right now its not bothering me all that much. While I'm on ship I can't stay away from Gluten. I simply eat what they feed me, I try to stick to a Paleo type diet and when I'm home, I'm very strict with my diet.
Just glad there's light at the end of the tunnel, looking forward to being mercury free !
in Christ, Joe R.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Round 25 complete.
Well, once again, it's been awhile since I've posted anything on here. A lot has happened since I've last posted. I've been through a few rounds and havent posted so I'll give a short summary and catch yall up to speed.... I purchased some DMPS from Detoxi-tab and did round twenty;30 mgs every 6-8 hrs and felt great ! My mind was and emotions were clear, I felt it was easy sailing from there on out, boy was I wrong ! I was home and I wanted to save the rest of the DMPS for while I'm at sea so I did two rounds of DMSA/ALA(50 mg of DMSA and 10 mg ALA) and that went well...I came back out for another hitch and had a really bad reaction to the DMPS...I mean really bad !!! Tongue was covered in canker sores. I could barely talk. My bottom lip swelled and even blistered. I had a rash that was unbearable.To say the least I wont be taking DMPS ever again. I posted my symptoms on Yahoo Frequent dose chealtion group and even got a response from Andy suggesting that I never take DMPS again. I figure the guy must know what he's talking about, so its back to the drawing board. I'll stick to what got me this far...Frequent low dose DMSA/ALA.
I believe I might have said in my last post I moved or was considering on moving . Anyhow, it was heavy on my heart to get away and spend time with Jesus and focus on my healing so I packed up the Civic and left South Florida in the rear view and said hello to the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. I absolutely love it there. Its a place that fits me perfectly. I love the mountains, The nature of it all. Its a place I hope to live out my days until the Lord calls me home. Even though I'm totally blessed by where God has placed me It has been a struggle also This is not an easy road. Mercury poisoning is a nasty illness that strips you of happiness. You could be surrounded by beauty and in your heart and mind you feel dark and gloomy...That darkness and gloominess that we who are mercury poisened know all too well. Every area of your life is affected. Your mind, your emotions as well as your physical body. It literally strips you of the vibrancy that life has to offer.
I'm writing this from sea. I've been at sea for two weeks. I just completed round 25 while out here and got knocked through a loop. There was a time long long ago that sailors punishment for a wrong done would get tied up with a long rope, thrown off the bow(The front, for all you land lovers;) of the ship as it was underway and the person would tumble under the ship as it sailed along and when you came out from under the ship as it literally sailed right over you, they would pull you back onto the ship....yeah, I kinda felt like that the past few days. I kept the mg's to a minimum but the redistribution was terrible. I haven't felt brain fog so bad since I had my amalgams still in. Diet plays such a huge roll in our healing. This is the second time I've done a round while on this boat and both times had some pretty tragic experiences. When I'm home , Its not like this.when I am home and on round, I don't experience that bad of redistribution. My theory is this, I'm juicing all green organic vegetables every day , eating organic proteins, so I'm receiving the proper nutrients my body needs due to being depleted both from the mercury doin'what it do and chelating the heavy metals which is also stripping the body of the essential minerals required to maintain a healthy life, but while at sea, my body is not receiving the proper nutrients. I really don't have that much of a choice in my diet, I eat what they give me. A lot of what they feed us is a gluten, sugary, fried, GMO grown stuff. So fair to say I wont be chelating while I'm out here, but I will be hitting it hard while I'm home. .... I'll try and keep this blog updated with how I'm doing...I'm home in a few weeks ,When I do get home, Ill post another video on Youtube as well ! :)
Soli deo Gloria ! ( To God alone be the Glory)
Joey <><
I believe I might have said in my last post I moved or was considering on moving . Anyhow, it was heavy on my heart to get away and spend time with Jesus and focus on my healing so I packed up the Civic and left South Florida in the rear view and said hello to the beautiful mountains of North Carolina. I absolutely love it there. Its a place that fits me perfectly. I love the mountains, The nature of it all. Its a place I hope to live out my days until the Lord calls me home. Even though I'm totally blessed by where God has placed me It has been a struggle also This is not an easy road. Mercury poisoning is a nasty illness that strips you of happiness. You could be surrounded by beauty and in your heart and mind you feel dark and gloomy...That darkness and gloominess that we who are mercury poisened know all too well. Every area of your life is affected. Your mind, your emotions as well as your physical body. It literally strips you of the vibrancy that life has to offer.
I'm writing this from sea. I've been at sea for two weeks. I just completed round 25 while out here and got knocked through a loop. There was a time long long ago that sailors punishment for a wrong done would get tied up with a long rope, thrown off the bow(The front, for all you land lovers;) of the ship as it was underway and the person would tumble under the ship as it sailed along and when you came out from under the ship as it literally sailed right over you, they would pull you back onto the ship....yeah, I kinda felt like that the past few days. I kept the mg's to a minimum but the redistribution was terrible. I haven't felt brain fog so bad since I had my amalgams still in. Diet plays such a huge roll in our healing. This is the second time I've done a round while on this boat and both times had some pretty tragic experiences. When I'm home , Its not like this.when I am home and on round, I don't experience that bad of redistribution. My theory is this, I'm juicing all green organic vegetables every day , eating organic proteins, so I'm receiving the proper nutrients my body needs due to being depleted both from the mercury doin'what it do and chelating the heavy metals which is also stripping the body of the essential minerals required to maintain a healthy life, but while at sea, my body is not receiving the proper nutrients. I really don't have that much of a choice in my diet, I eat what they give me. A lot of what they feed us is a gluten, sugary, fried, GMO grown stuff. So fair to say I wont be chelating while I'm out here, but I will be hitting it hard while I'm home. .... I'll try and keep this blog updated with how I'm doing...I'm home in a few weeks ,When I do get home, Ill post another video on Youtube as well ! :)
Soli deo Gloria ! ( To God alone be the Glory)
Joey <><
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