I have got to be the slowest chelator in the world ! As I was typing in the address to my blog I was thinking about how long it has been since amalgam removal. This September it will be 3 years since I had the 2nd most toxic element on the planet removed from my teeth. It did however take me sometime after that till I found the Cutler protocol. I should be on my 50th or 60th round but do to my work I have to go slow, slow and steady is the name of the game.
I'm currently on the 28th round and this being the fourth attempt, my most epic fail at any round to this date. I slept past a round twice, once forgot if I took a dose and by accident took another dose and my next dose would have caused redistribution becuase the prior dose was doubled, releasing more mercury and the next dose , there just wasn't enough chelator to grab it all. and my mercury poisoned mind can't remember the fourth reason.
I can say that improvements are there. Though I feel the mercury affecting my life, it's not as strong as it used to be. I still struggle looking for words, My emotions still can get out of whack but as I explained to a friend via email. In Nov. of 10' I was laid off from my job. I would get panick attacks, I was extremely insecure in my work performance, days I just couldn't look at any body in the eye. My desire to be left alone just cried out but being that I work on ships, there's no where to go, so I had to fake the funk. Back then on a scale of 1-10. 1 being very minimal effects by the mercury, hardly noticable and 10 being hospitilized for panic attacks and depression. I was an 8 in 2010. Today I'm a 4-5. Today felt like a 6. But there are days when I'm home I'm feeling like a 2-3.
The one thing I noticed is my ability to dream has been pretty consistant. Call it 4 days a week.
Even though the brain fog is still an issue, I think in 20 rounds from now I'm going to see some pretty tremendous gains.
The Candida comes and goes, right now its not bothering me all that much. While I'm on ship I can't stay away from Gluten. I simply eat what they feed me, I try to stick to a Paleo type diet and when I'm home, I'm very strict with my diet.
Just glad there's light at the end of the tunnel, looking forward to being mercury free !
in Christ, Joe R.