Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Round 40 complete !

Hey ya'll !

 I just want to send out a quick update to let people know I'm still in this fight and beginning to make some real head way...

  Over all things are better. Mercury does not have a grip on me as it once did. It completely ruled and ruined my life, But I'm starting to gain the upper hand. Imagine a kid walking home from school and every day getting beat up by the same kid. For a long time, I was that little kid who was too scared to fight back so I just took its abuse. but one day, I had enough and put the book bag down and put the dooks up ! the merc monster still gets the upper hand but Ive knocked him down a few times and with every round, I'm getting stronger and its getting weaker !

  Some of the symptoms that I have seen improvement in are for 1) the brain fog....still my biggest complaint. I work in the engineering department on ships. It is only by the grace of God I was able to keep my job due to how bad my memory was in times past but I've noticed my ability to remember things that 2-3 years ago I could not. I always forgot where I parked my car...No longer a problem.
  Also my grammar skills are getting better. I still misspell words as I'm sure I will in this post, but there were times the letters on the keyboard might as well been in Chinese.

 Emotions have also cleared significantly. The days of doom and gloom for no apparent reason have pretty much passed. I remember the depression was so bad I almost started charging it rent but its just no longer an issue. Thank God ! =)

  Anger on round as well as off still come but if you could imagine the hair test analysis sheet with all our symptoms in the left hand corner, I was in the red in everything. ( Not minerals but symptoms ;)
  but they are about half with another half way to go.

  I'm currently on 25 mg of DMSA and 9.5 of ALA. I need to go up next round, I have to keep it low because I cant afford to deal with the redistribution whilst at sea. I'm going to bump up the ALA to 12.5 my next round and order some more DMSA. I'll probably bump that up to 30 mg.

  I'm guessing I'm probably a 70 or 80- rounder. When I'm at 100 mg of both DMSA and ALA and I can do rounds with no side effects, I will do the suggested 6 months of rounds after no side effects but for now I'll work on finishing with round 41 ! =)

  Grace and Peace,

 Joe R