Well, It is official! I am, hands down the slowest chelator on the planet ! I just found out an onslaught of my issues were mold on the boat that I've been on has been causing me some pretty unfavorable reactions to say the least. Ive been on this boat for two years and it took someone else to point it out that due to the humidity, we may have a mold issue. ure enough, that's why I haven't been able to chelate. Fortunately/unfortunately, I have a job andhave to pay bills so have to deal with the mold but hey ! I'm paying off some debt ! =) They put me in a room with little to no mold problems so I was good to do a round and just completed round 56. I should be waaay past round 100, Some symptoms have resurfaced but only by a fraction of what they were. I also believe a good portion of them is due to the mold. I have a bottle with me now and I'm going to attempt another round in a few days. Once I'm back on a regular schedule of 3 days on-3 days off, I'll have a better idea of where I'm at. I'm currently on 12.5/12.5 of DMSA/ALA. There is a slight feeling of something going on while on round and not too much redistribution. I probably could up the mgs but being that I work in the engine room on a ship, I cant afford too many episodes of mercury affecting the way I think and feel during redistribution. So that's all Ive got. I hope ill be back on track shortly and have better stories of victory.
In Christ,
Joey R