Hey y'all Mercury poisoned people out there, hows everyone hanging in there? Me , Im aiiight ! It's been a rough week or two but I'm back up and running. If you've read my last blog, twice I attempted to do a round and sleep got the best of me. My last attempt lasted only two days. So that was one day, missed dose, took a day off, attempted again ,missed my 3 am dose....again. took a day off. began another round and did two days, missed that same 3 am round and called it all a round ! =p four non-consecutive days of Mercury being excreted from my body, never again wreaking havoc on my mind and emotions...I call it a success !
I'm currently on round 8., First day back on and I upped my doses to 60 mg of ALA and 50 mg of DMSA. The ALA I have is 60 mg and I'm sick of splitting up my doses so it iz what it izzz...
I have noticed slight improvements since chelation. My emotions aren't as out of whack as say a year ago. Last year I was a lot more insecure and cared a WHOLE lot about what people thought about me vs now. I'm able to relax a little. I read on my Yahoo mercury chelation group that depression is the first thing to go. I'm feeling that very same thing. one of my best friends just had 5 amalgams removed. He's dealing with all of the emotional problems as well as severe headaches. He's not fully convinced that Mercury is his problem but was at least willing to remove his exposure of Mercury. I tell people about how their medical problems are most definitely caused by the Mercury that are in there teeth and they look at me like I've lost my marbles....For the most part I have but as Aine who is the author of "Getting the Mercury out" says in her Youtube video, "you're not crazy, its the Mercury !..." Its nice to finally put you're finger on something instead of believing you're crazy or you're just plain stupid...There's a calmness that came over me knowing that everyday of chelation is one day closer to getting back to the real me...Though I don't really know who that real me is? Being that I've been poisoned since I was 8 years old. I can't imagine feeling 100% What is our full potential if Mercury isn't there to hinder us? Dr.Kuttar says that after chelating a child of Mercury and them being fully restored, they are able to keep that part of their brains that try to make up for the other 1/2 that was poisoned by the Mercury. Meaning that they're all extremely intelligent. I wonder what are capabilities are without Mercury hindering our memory and emotions. Our confidence being restored. I plan on taking every opportunity when that day happens. I want to be the best at my job, The best friend, the best brother, the best uncle, and Lord willing the best husband and dad anyone could ask for. I look forward to challenging my body and exercising and being fit and healthy in every area of my life.
Grace and peace, Joey <><
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