Monday, October 12, 2015

Round 65 complete

Finished round 65 and I'm dead smack in the middle of full fledge panic attack! I'm two days off the round. I've been on 25/25 mgs of DMSA/ALA and figured it was high time to bump it up and boy was I wrong! I felt like this one other time. Right when I started and got froggy and did 100 mgs of DMSA and 100 of ALA every 2 hrs for 3 straight days. There is no way I'm going to be healed by 100 rounds if I feel this bad at 65. I bumped it up to 37.5 mgs of DMSA  and 31 mgs of ALA. Not a significant increase but I just wasn't ready to go up. Rather that or what I'm experiencing has nothing to do with that. I do not have any adrenal cortex but just ordered some. The only thing is I'm on the boat with 3 weeks left so no more rounds for me until the dust settles and I can figure this out!

 I really feel like throwing in the towel and justr giving up right now but know there are hills and valleys and I hope not to remain in this valley much longer.



  1. Joe, consider mold exposure as a cause for the panic attacks. I never had anxiety my entire life entire becoming mercury toxic. In the past 2 years I've had 3 full blown panic attacks where I wanted to be rushed to the ER. Couldn't breathe, legs, arms, face completely numb, etc. Horrible. Each time I had one of these panic attacks I was exposed to mold in the preceding weeks.

  2. What a shame about your setback. I'm always hoping I'll check up on you and find you healed.

  3. Hang in there Joe, it is a roller coaster ride! I think you are doing great, being able to continue to work and chelate when you can. I agree with the above comment that if you are on the ship right now, maybe mold exposure is contributing to your symptoms. Also, I agree it may have been too soon to up your dose, but you usually don't know that until you try an increase. But next time, only try increasing one chelator at a time, not both at once. And it sounds like you were doing well on 25mg of each, but hadn't done that many rounds at that dose (post from May said round 56 was at 12.5mg each). So I would suggest going back to 25mg each and maybe stay there for awhile, especially if you have to be on the boat and working. Good luck and hang in there!

  4. Sorry to hear that Joey...

    Like Jackie sad only increase one chelator at the time so you know which one gave you problems. Maybe ALA is mobilizing too much Hg from your brain and that gave you panic and anxiety.
    Think about all the positives you had so far and go back to the last dose where you felt good and do it for awhile.

    God bless you man and hang in there!!!

  5. Sorry to hear that Joey...

    Like Jackie sad only increase one chelator at the time so you know which one gave you problems. Maybe ALA is mobilizing too much Hg from your brain and that gave you panic and anxiety.
    Think about all the positives you had so far and go back to the last dose where you felt good and do it for awhile.

    God bless you man and hang in there!!!

  6. Hi! I'm a 35 year old woman from Norway who is also chelating. I like to check out your blog every now and then. You know you really should check if you are histamine intolerant. A lot of people with mercury poisoning have this problem, I am one of them! Before I got this under control I had daily panic attacks. If you google high histamine foods you get an overview of which foods aggrivate. I know it's overwhelming at first, and you don't have to stay away from high histamine foods forever, but if I were you I would stay away from the worst offenders (cured meat, cheese, all kinds of aged and pickled foods, fermented foods, etc) and see how you feel! I am rooting for you, please don't give up! I am only on round 11, I have a loooong way to go, but we will all get there. All the best from Norway

  7. I removed amalgam filling without any protection equipment in Korea. Right after that I got severe headache and weird sight. The Mercury is moving in my central nervous system I can feel it. And I can point the location. It's so painful. I'm so devasted. It's not human being it's just mad trash. I need your help! It's so hard to read. It's so hard to walk. I cannot recognize everything precisely i was so smart and athletic. Now I'm not. Please help me! I cannot believe I'm still alive. The most painful headache I've never experience., I want to kill the dumb dentist. He didn't know the danger of Mercury vapour. I'm so sad. It was 22nd august. I still suffering Mercury toxicity. Mercury or whatever is moving in my brain.

    I need Andy cutler protocol. Where can I buy it?? This is South Korea. I will leave my email address.
    Can u give it by post?? It's an urgent. I need ur help!! So severe poisoning I'm dieing

  8. I will pay u. There's no Mercury detox medicine in Korea. Please, I need ur help.

  9. Da na. You can buy dmsa and ALA om This website And here you can read the general guidelines for chelation Please make sure all your amalgams are removed before chelation! Good luck!

  10. You can also become a member of the group "Andy cutler chelation think tank" on Facebook. There you can ask any questions you might have along the way.

  11. Nice post, keep it up.
    Hope you are well in the current situation.
    mercury instruments
    mercury fish
