Saturday, July 25, 2015

Round 60 Complete !

Hey all you mercury mercenaries! I just wanted to update my blog that 60 rounds on the A/C protocol are complete. The two most significant improvements are my chemical sensitivities, food intolerances and Candida are for the most part in the rear view mirror.  My brain fog can be controlled with my supplements where as when I first started I couldn't seem to get out from under it. When I'm on point with my supps, I'm pretty clear headed. I feel that I'm running on 5 of the 6 cylinders...About 75% roughly, depending on the day. Rounds are still hard to get in. I'm still working on ships and 7 days a week;12 hrs a day will break any man down. Also my charisma toward work has picked up. I use to feel the black cloud of depression and despondency and there is a pep in my step. Wanting to make sure my duties are well taken care of and I'm doing my part as a sailor on board.

 I picked up woodworking as a hobby and fell in love! I built a work table for a friend, a tree house for my friends kids as well as chicken pen. I'm more than impressed of the work that I did and as Chelation helps my cognitive abilities, I look forward to taking on more challenging projects....Who knows, maybe someday, I'll have my own shop!
With the gains I've noticed I don't think 100 rounds to completely being healed is too far fetched of a hope. For right now, Its round 61 that I'll focus on tackling next! ;)

In Christ,
