Saturday, December 15, 2012


In short, I threw in the towel over the past 3 months and lost some serious chelation time. Its absolutely impossible to chelate while at sea so I lived my life as if Mercury poisoning just didnt exhist and we who are mercury poisoned know that just isnt possible. For a long time I've wanted to escape to the mountains of North Carolina and focus mainly on my relationship with God but take a good overall look at my life, My faith, my health, my finances....Take a good honest soul searching of myself. To wrestle with God as Jacob did and prevail. Time to get real in all aspects of my life. I head back out to sea on Thursday the 20th. I take off from South Florida on Monday, unpack my things and head to work for a month...Then it begins. I plan on finding an MD/Naturopath so I can start DMPS so I'll be able to chelate while at sea. New journeys are many of life's are blessings from God, just as long as He is the center of our desires.

Longing to be in His presence...

       Joe <><

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Round 18 complete.

Well, I just completed round 18. I'm on my 2nd day off round and it took this long for redistribution to set in. It started with being really edgy, then that turned into being downright angry. Then the dull ache that settles behind my head and down my shoulders. I first began this round when I first got off ship. I tried 50mg of DMSA and 60 mg of ALA. I got three doses into it and realized that It was waaay too much. while on ship I attempted to do rounds and got one under my belt. 25mg of DMSA only. It was great. The engine room is really hot so I sweat a  lot. As I attempted to do more rounds, sleep become a problem and I can't afford to be tired while on ship so I scrapped chelating while at sea...maybe I'll attempt to do 1 every hitch. When I got back from being out at sea, my tolerance or detox pathways for some reason couldnt handle the larger doses. I guess I cant go from high doses to lower ones. So this round, because the 1st attempt was too high a dose I went low again....low for me. 25 mg of DMSA and 25 MG of ALA. It felt wonderful. I was able to clear ou a lot of the brain fog as well as the unwanted emotions...Still a bit edgy at times but thats expected. So I think I'm gonna stay a bit low this time. No rushing. I was up to 100 mg of DMSA and 120 mg of ALA but it really knocked me through a loop. panick attacks for two straight days, no bueno ! =)

  I've been contemplating on moving for the remainder of my chelation. I'm more of an out doorsy guy...I love the mountains and with my job I'm blessed enough to live anywhere in the U.S. So I'm contemplating Western north Carolina. I don't know when or even "if"that'll happen. even though I have that desire, its God who directs my steps. I'm steadily praying, seeking His face in whether this is my emotions wanting to move or this is His Spirit calling me to come and rest awhile. Those who know what its like to be sick from the effects of mercury poisoning can understand the desire to come away to a place of rest and do that very thing. My rest is in God and though I can do that anywhere. There's something appealing about being in the mountains, taking in the fresh, crisp mountain air. Just spending time with Jesus, As a husband and a wife who takes a break from everything and goes to a place of beauty and paradise, soaking in all that is around them as they reconnect with one another so I desire to do with God.

  I have one more day off round and I'm going to try and bang out 2 rounds, back to back....6 straight days. That will bring me to finishing round 20 which a Youtube video would be due ;)

  Blessings, in Christ, joe R <><

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Update with Chelation progress.Round 17 down.

Hey everybody, Sorry I wasn't able to post any updates. I just got home from being out to sea. I got one round in and another 1/2 days of chelation...probably about 3 of those. I'm not gonna count those 1/2 days for anything. Sleep is crucial while on ship. I don't know if I can chelate while I'm out there. There where times when the brain fog would hit me hence why I chelated 1/2 days...something was better than nothing. There is a lot of responsibility with my job and having to stay focused while transferring fuel is crucial....Changing generators is also smething one has to stay sharp on or the ship could go dark and that wouldnt be a good thing at all !!! ;)

  over all, it wasnt that bad. I would say that God had totally blessed me with this ship as well as my ship mates. My Chief engineer is a Christian so thats a blessing.I had both the Chief and the Captain ask me if I was willing to stay. Its good for a man to work, work hard and be acknowledged for your'e efforts. Very thankfulto God for this one.

  So I'm back...Today is the 1st day of chelation. Just took my first dose 47 minutes ago. I'll update when I'm done on this round. Also when I hit 20 rounds down I'll post a Youtube video.

Blessings, Joe <><

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Update while off round.

I just wanted to share with ya'll what I've been going through while off round this time. I started a round about two weeks ago that lasted six days. I got a job working on ships and really wanted to step up my game and really start getting aggresive in my chelation in the hope that my brain fog symptoms would get clearer...I couldn't have been more wrong, actually the opposite happened. My brain fog has been thick in a way it hasnt been in a really long time. When I began my round, I upped my DMSA to 100 mg and kept my ALA at 120 mg. I began dosing every two hours verses every three. While I was on round I felt pretty good. other than a few side effects with emotions, there was no complaints...This redistribution somehow distributed more mercury into my brain than I expected....I go out to sea tomorrow. I'm constantly looking for words, forgetting everything...The pressure from my brain fog is pretty intense. I noticed that one symptom has returned. My brian fog would be effected depending on the foods I ate, after the first ten rounds or so that disappeared. I just had some chicken and vegetables and its amazing I'm even typing this. Also I experienced some pretty severe panic attacks. That has went away, not fully, but to a place where i can be in public if I have to. I have one a friend that doesn't believe my problems are Mercury related so I can't share with him anything I'm going through which makes it worse,I shared with him I was going through a panic attack and he brushed off mercury as the problem and had asked me if I was willing to see a therapist. I cant understand why people are so hesitant to believe that mercury is toxic ? My emotions are waaaay out of whack which after the 14th round I was pretty stable in that area. So to say the least I've regressed significantly by trying to be too aggressive. My friend Sean has told me that its a marathon not a sprint...slow and steady wins the race. why am I always the guy that has to learn the hard way...I had my fillings removed Sept of 10' started the Cutler protocol four months ago and right now I feel like I did before I had my amalgams removed...From now on It is slow and steady, progress, not perfection.

 Hills and valleys expected, but I sure wish this was a shout from the mountain instead of one from the valley, but this is where we the valley is where things grow.

  Joey Ruggiero

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Round 15 & 16 finished.

Well, I got back from being out at sea and wanted to get pretty agressive in my chelation so I made a big order of DMSA and it was waiting here for me when I got home. I upped my doses to 100 mg of DMSA and I believe my last couple of rounds was with 50 mg of DMSA and 120 of ALA so 120 mg of ALA is maxed out as well as the 100 mg of DMSA.( I couldn't afford anymore than that) I also started dosing every two hours vs. every three, which took a lot of the emotional and physical complications I was having away.I just chelated for 6 straight days. 3 days being a round so 3x's 2=6 hence 15 & 16th round complete ;)This is my 1st day off and the redistribution isn't all that bad. My only gripe is my Candida came back to pay me a little visit, I thought that was pretty much gone. I would say a good portion of that is my own laziness in feeding the candida with Gluten and sugars. While on ship, you eat whats there but I know I could be more aware of my dietery needs. I'll try harder I guess ;) ,

  Hills and valleys.... There are times that the cognitive function of my brain is showing significant improvements and other times I can hardly finish a sentence. I was told if I keep my Gluten intake down, My memory will improve. This seems like an impossible task for me being that I work on ships in the Gulf, most cooks are cajun and cook everything fried. Lots of shrimp and catfish, which I avoid anything from the sea due to not wanting any mercury in my system. Right now, I have a good amount of fatigue...definitely due to the Cookie crunch frappachino ar Starbucks I indulged in about an hour ago. It wipes me out. I must become vigilant in my diet. I also realized that my digestive system acts up while on round... I always new this but never attributted it fully to the mercury. I just took two weeks off of chelation while on ship, ate what I wanted and was pretty regular, Got home, began chelating and low and behold my movements ain't moving nowherez !...As soon as I got off round. I got back to being regular. I did up my intake of magnesium and vitamin C and that helped some. other than that, thats all I've got.Also, still dealing with the anger while on rounds. I'm glad this is only due to the Chelation because I would never want to always be angry like that. It hinders from relationship with friends. me no likey, I feel when I'm around people, they don't want me around. Like I'm different and they notice it. Like I don't fit in. I know this is the mercury because its in every book I've read up on the subject. We feel weird,socially. Its are emotions being effected by the 2nd most toxic element on the planet hitting are brain and endocrine system and giving us these feelings....The bad news is, for the most of us who has been poisoned since we were children,(Like myself) after the mercury is out we have to learn some social interaction skills. Dr Pompa says that he notices that he is not as social as he used to be, even after he was done chelating and had to learn how to be comfortable in social gatherings again. The sooner this stuff is out, the better ! I have 6 days till I go back out to sea. I have 2 & 3/4 bottles of 100 mg of DMSA and one bottle of 25 mg... a bottle of ALA as well. I'm gonna go light while out there but chelate nontheless. probably drop it down to 25 mg of DMSA and 25-30 mg of ALA. it feels good to come down a bit. Its a pleasant pulling of the mercury, =)

  till next time, Joey <><

Monday, July 16, 2012

Round 14 complete.

Just a quick update while I was out at sea. I just finished a round on 25 mg of DMSA only. I chose to do so low a dose from my usual 50 mg of DMSA and 120 of ALA so I wouldn't have to deal with redistribution and I'd have to say how pleasant it was. Also, as soon as I took it, I went to sleep and when I woke up from my alarm, I was pondering the dream I just had. The funny thing is, I'm one of those Mercury poisoned people that does not dream....Or at least I don't remember them. At least once or twice during a shift I sweat right through my clothes, so if one way of excreting Mercury is through sweating, I should be done chelating in just a few hitches ! ;) I didn't want to Chelate while I was on ship but I had gained enough confidence in my performance at work that I figured I could deal with a little ole' 25 mg of DMSA...I plan to do so every time I'm on ship. I know the argument is that DMSA does not cross the blood brain barrier but I beg to differ, I'm no scientist, nor am I a chemist but the dreaming thing was more than enough for me to believe that DMSA can in fact cross the blood brain barrier. The very first round I ever took was 12.5 mg of DMSA and I dreamt that night. Also there's something to be had about taking a brake. I took some two weeks off and I'd have to say the round was quite pleasant....On the second day I was experiencing slight brain fog but it cleared up today...So now do I chelate with just DMSA or continue with ALA ?.... Being that Cutler believes that ALA is the most beneficial in removing mercury from the brain, I'll continue to do the DMSA/ALA during the rounds. But I also heard Cutler and Dr Pompa talk about doing doses every 2 hours and people not experiencing such harsh redistribution as well as being able to take higher mg of chelators. So when I'm home I'll hit it real hard, 7 day rounds, every two hours. I'm upping my doses to 100 mg of DMSA and sticking with 120 MG of ALA. I don't see myself getting any higher than that. That's expensive enough. Today is Monday, I'm leaving Wednesday. 21 days on/ 21 days off. By Gods grace, I got by this hitch o.k. I learned some things I didn't know before. I was able to grasp some concepts of various different aspects of Marine engineering I didn't know 21 days ago. I'm gonna keep pushing through this, Hopefully some day I'll know everything there is to know about Marine engineering. Oh, How nice it will be to grasp the reigns of intelligence !

 IN Christ , Joey Ruggiero

Monday, July 2, 2012

Update while at sea.

I'm sitting here pondering all that this mercury has taken from me. Tonight I'll go down in to the engine room. My brain fog might or might not kick in. If it does not, I'll have a good shift. My boss will talk about certain components of this ship and how they work and what I must do to keep this ship as a whole to keep it working efficiently. If I go down below and the mercury happens to take over, Its over before it began. No matter what anyone says to me I won't be able fully comprehend it. I remember pre-mercury. If I didn't know of a certain subject, If I was subjected to it long enough my brain did what it was designed to do and learn, but as one of the symptoms of mercury poisoning the mind, one is incapable of learning anything.I sit here with a tremendous opportunity to make a lot of money. Working anywhere in the oil industry your gonna rack in the dough. This company is building 16 brand new ships and its not the largest in the Gulf. Some 60 or so Oil rigs are suppose to built in the next few years. The only problem I have is that I can't learn how to efficiently do my job if this mercury doesn't come out of my brain. I have 13 rounds in, Cutler says 50 rounds people "Start" to feel themselves again. I was listening to an interview the other day with Cutler and another doctor that used the Cutler protocol because he was poisoned by his amalgams and the doctor quoted something that Cutler had told him, he told him its going to take a good 3-4 years before being at 100%....I don't have that long. I want the magic pill. I want to take one pill and everything return back to as they were pre amalgam. Unfortunately thats not how it works. I'm in this for the long hall...

 I'm considering on chelating while on ship. If my brain isn't going to function correctly than there's no reason I should hold back from healing it. I only have enough DMSA for one round @ 25 mg a dose. I was up to 50 mg. I have plenty of ALA, though I'll have to make smaller doses. I have 120 mg pills and last round knocked me through a loop.

Mercury is a horrible element. It takes everything from you. It acts just like sin. its almost impossible to get rid of.(Sin is, apart from the blood of Christ.) Its always there to completely ruin your life.If anyone has been following my posts, they would realize that I haven't been talking all that much about God. My greatest passion my heart has ever experienced I feel I just can't enjoy anymore because of the way mercury has its grip on me. Someone who's brain isn't completely poisoned won't understand how it feels to have someone talking to them and the words are like Snoopy's teacher just gabbing away and the neurons aren't doing their job and putting the words together and confirming a conclusion. its a horrible feeling. I sat on the back deck and the chief mate was telling me and another gentleman about one of the mates that went home. He was complaining about having Lyme disease. Now I know that Lyme disease mirror's mercury poisoning. I know that as they chelate they get better....Maybe this cat doesn't know he's mercury poisoned. The Chief Mate was mocking the lad for such an outrageous claim. It sucks having something that your friends and your family can't have sympathy for because they simply don't believe you. I've talked to people about Mercury and I get that "look." LIke I'm a kook. a whack job. a funny duddy. one who doesn't have all his marbles. When I first came to Christ, I had someone in church prophesy over me that "Through my mouth I will heal many, It's what I had been through and it has to do with children. It says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 "  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." When one has been afflicted with mercury and all its debilitating effects it has on the body and mind and is healed from those effects, they can't help but share the good news. Its the very reason the Gospel has taken root in every continent and country in the world. People are poisoned by the effects of sin. It dims there whit spiritually and holds them captive to do what ever it so desires and Jesus comes and saves them and heals them and comforts them. They have no other choice but to tell of this great and mighty thing God had done for them.

There is a victory story, One day I will sit on top of the mountain and shout of the healing waters that flows from Jesus. If that happens to be helping people cope with Mercury poisoning or being a Pastor or an elder or an evangelist. One who disciples people on how to get well through the effects of whatever is debilitating them. No matter where He leads me, I hope to do so with His passion.

 In His service,

  Joey Ruggiero

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

13th round complete, I'll be gone for three weeks...

I'm out here in Louisiana on a ship about to head out to sea for a 21 day hitch. I feel like I'm sunk ! I only have 13 rounds under my belt and my mind is still very much poisoned with mercury. I can't even hold a conversatation most of the time. I'm always misplacing words and forgetting wat it is I was going to say. I'm working as a mechanic on a ship and I barely can comprehend righty righty lefty loosey. I never posted for my 13th here's a quick breakdown of how it went. I upped my ALA from 60 to 120 mg. not something that is suggested. You only suppose to go up 1/2 of your current dose. Maybe that's why I'm experiencing such heavy brain fog and depression. Being that this is my 1st day on a new ship and people are going to be watching me to see whether or not I'm a total moron probably might play into it. I would be nervous even if I wasn't mercury poisoned. The 13th round was rough. Heavy brain fog, emotions all out of whack. I already feel like a total failure and I haven't even turned a wrench yet. The 3rd day of my 13th round I felt like I was coming out of the clouds but I didn't want to deal with redistribution while on ship. I can't wait till I'm back to 100% I need a place to run away, in the woods, a cabin with all organic produce growing and chickens plucking and scratching. I would chelate for at least a full year until I'd come back out to the work force. But for now I've got to put my big boy pants and pray for the best. I'm thankful I'm out here. This is a great opportunity to make some really good money. I hope I can pull this off till I'm done chelating. I'll be back in a few weeks, Be blessed, Joey

Monday, June 18, 2012

12th round down....Kinda

Well, I was two day's into my 12th round and my alarm never went off or I was so tired I forgot that I shut it off and I was a good dooby and I'm taking two days off before I start again. I've scoured the internet, mainly Youtube and I think I'm becoming one of those conspiracy theory people. I watch all of the video's of parents sitting before these boards, telling these people in suits, who pretend they care about all of the harm that has been done to their children. Vaccinations are slowly killing us all over the world, no matter where you live, this one shiny little metal is serious dibilitiating us as a people. What is the purpose of putting Mercury in a vaccination when there are safer methods ? Its slowly dumbing down america. The list of side effects are endless. I'm convinced that all of the ADD, ADHD,OCD,Autism, most of the depression and many other illnesses are all due to this VERY toxic metal. I was lead to some videos of a group of the richest people in the world who get together once a year and talk about depopulation. It sounds crazy. It's bad enough trying to convince my friends and family I was poisoned by the toxic metal that was found in my teeth. Now that I look back, I believe that I was affected by my vaccinations, Being that I didnt receive as much as a child today would, being that I was born in the 70's. It is really that hard to believe ? Were not a bunch of brain surgeons, many of us never even went to college, a bunch of middle class peeps who rather we, or are children have been poisoned by mercury in one way or another. This metal took my life away, well a good portion of it anyway. I was always confused in school, felt social anxiety, I spent my first six years in and out out hospitals randomly being sick. Somebody, somewhere knows exactly whats going on and for some reason is playing stupid. whether its a group of the richest people in the world trying to depopulate it or some other reason I will not believe that they are putting Thimerosol in the vaccines for the better of human kind. A vaccine for diarriah ? really. Were not in some third world country with rancid water to drink from, in fact we have more than enough Fluoride for everybody. Hitler used it in the water for the jews, why not us ? The more I look up, the more I see, the less I want to know. Aspartame, a toxic killer, one they are well aware of and continue to keep it on the shelves. Ive got one more week and I'm heading out to work. I'll be gone for 3 weeks, No internet, no thinking about any of this. I think it'll be good for me to get away for awhile. The more I read, the more angry I get. I couldn't imagine having a precious little child and seeing their life slip away due to a vaccination shot. If God ever chooses to bring a woman into my life the one thing she has to understand is that my kid will never see a vaccination shot as long as he or she lives. praying about going to school and becoming some type of holistic health coach. After all I've been through, I'll be damned if after, I get this stuff out of my body and recover from all its toxic effects i stand by and watch other people suffer from it.

be blessed mercury poisoned people,


Friday, June 15, 2012

Finished 11th round, currently on my 12th.

I never posted anything about my 11th round and being that I just took my 1st dose of my 12th round 39 minutes ago, I think now is a good a time as any ;) I would have to say my 11th round stood out for me in more ways than one. It definitely wasn't an average round. There was something different about it than any other round.(except my 1st because the DMSA hit my brain and I dreamt which I never do and had some real brain clarity while on round.)  Would I call it significant ?...I don't know if I'd call it that but definitely a step in the right direction. Brain fog is still here but not as bad. It's still clouds my little world with confusion but not with down right stupidity.To those who have been severly poisoned and know what it feels like to be driving somewhere and forget where you were going or go to introduce a very good friend and forget their name. I'm still forgetful, just not as much. My first 2 days on round I experienced some pretty heavy anger. I found myself finding things to resent people for, people I love...for no apparent reason. Finding fault and harping on it. This isn't me at all so I know that its the Mercury hitting my system and causing the anger to escalate. It gives me comfort to know that others are experiencing this while on chelation. I received two emails last week of people that are going through chelation under the Cutler protocol.One from another Florida guy named kyle who also has a blog a really good guy , we're at the same place in our chelation. and I got an email from Laura, who also is at a similar place on rounds just hasn't added the ALA just yet but soon to do so.

I don't know which supplement were causing ill effects so I havent been taking any . Now while back on round, I'm going to keep it simple to the ones that Andy considers crucial. I'm sick of swallowing pills. By spreading them throughout the day there not as bad. I once had a guy I went to the gym with who competed in natural competions and naturally I asked him what he took for supplements and he said that he got most of his supplements from the foods that he ate. Interesting concept. I was talking to my friend the other day and I told him that I was considering on going to school for some type of degree in holistic health. Something to pray about. My roomate and I had a couple of friends over for some prayer and worship the other night. It was one of those experiences that I had with God I will never forget. There was such a purity in the air, we prayed for the first hour or so and got into some worship after that. My heart felt so clean, tears flowing. I could of stayed there till the morning. My favorite place has been the beach after dark. I went two nights ago, walked along the water just talking to God ( Mainly complaining to my Papa =? But thats ok, He's there when others aren't....He always has been. I went last night and there was a pretty bad lightning storm while I was on my way. By the time I got to the beach, it had already stopped raining, so I took off my sneakers, put my headphones in, played some worship music and just watched the lightning light up the sky as it was inching away from the beach. One of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen. The ability to look at such a beautiful sight was definitely another one of those moments that drew me closer to His love.

12th round here I come...Here I am, an hour and a half away from my 2nd dose. feeling the usual pressure in the sinusus, hopefully a good thing, removing all the mercury stored in the tissues there.. Maybe someday I can breath out of both nostrils!... Also my vision is blurry, I have 20/20, so something is going on with the metals being stirred.I'm starting to get a little tired as well. Usual, but the naps are awesome while on round ! =) I wake up and feel so refreshed from the brain fog so I might go do that if I don't have a scheduled lunch with my pastor.Be blessed y'all ! Thanks for checking out my blog. Any questions, comments,critiques please dont hesitate to shoot me an email at

"The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all." -2 Thessalonians 3:18


Saturday, June 9, 2012

Update from my Yahoo Frequent dose Chelation group.

In September of 2010 I had four amalgams removed from a mercury free dentist, I hadn't heard of the Andy Cutler protocol yet so I tried anything Google had to offer..Zeolite, Chlorella, High Sulfuric foods, cilantro.etc,etc.In January I read a book called "Getting the Mercury out." which lead me to the Cutler protocol. I purchased "Amalgam illness"; signed on to yahoo groups; Adult Metal chelation as well Frequent dose chelation, asked a few questions, purchased my DMSA and ALA and I was off and running.So far I have noticed significant improvements since Iv'e been on the protocol. Prior to the protocol, Any sugar or Gluten would seriously dibilitate me. prior to amalgam removal, If I went to Subway and bought a sub,or ate a bowl of pasta, drank a soda. I would almost immediately feel the effects of it. I would get intense brain fog, My Candida would flare up and the bottom of my feet would severly itch, to a point where I would have to scratch them till they bled. Also I would get a rash in any sensitive area In the boxer zone. I believe I knocked out a good amount of the Candida from Colon cleanses as well as many Juice fasts( all juice fasts prior to the Cutler protocol) which also I believe killed many parasites.This also helped me with my digestive system because I wasnt regular for many years.I have finished 10 rounds of the Andy Cutler protocol and so far these are some of the improvements I have seen.
 * Cognitive issues- I'm thinking clearer than I had before I started the protocol.prior to having my fillings removed I would wake up with SEVERE sinus pressure and it would take me 20 minutes to surface which I would try to wake up with coffee which would make the brain fog worse. I would say my brain fog has cleared about 30-40% depending on the day, whether or not I'm on round or if I'm adhering to my Gluten free/sugar free diet.(Which I'm never any good at;)This is still my biggest gripe over being poisoned with Mercury. I was 8 when I had my fillings put in and academically I declined so my life was severly affected by it. I often battle through the thoughts of feeling "Awkward" This causes me to be withdrawn from people.From where Ive been to where I am, I know this, with frequent dose chelation it will eventually subside.
* Emotional stability- Prior to the protocol I had suffered from severe bouts of depression. I still deal with it but not as severe. There were some days that I didn't want to go on. Because of my faith as a Christian, I figured that wasn't for me to decide but emotionally I was a train wreck.The desire to clean the house is a very grueling task. I struggle with motivation but its not as intense as it was. I also became aware of some social anxiety issues which depending on where I am on my rounds I still deal with. I would say this as well, has seen about a 30% improvement.I noticed that while on round I have been experiencing some serious bouts of anger. Thooughts of being angry at people for no apparent reason. I noticed this as soon as I started the protocol. This is a total contrast to when I'm off round because the redistribution quite noticeably causes me to become anti-social and insecure.Most disturbingly to me is the feeling of hoplessness that will hit at times. This affects my relationship with God, or rather clouds my emotions from being intimate with Him.There are times that He does break through it all and fills me with a joy that only comes from Him =)
* Physical ailments- The majority of my problems have been the fatigue. I know that when i'm working out and "Push" past the fatigue I feel really good. If I stick to a strict diet and join the gym I can get past it but its always right there trying to drag me back down. However I havent worked out in sometime and I'm overcome with fatigue so this is partially my fault. I've submitted to the mercury in this. Iv'e read somewhere or saw a video on Youtube that people with Mercury poisoning experience a tightness in the back of the head and shoulders. Like something that would come from stress. Something I still experience but again, not as severe. This is a slow and steady process, I'm in it for the long haul.
 I'm sure there are many things I'm forgetting but off the top of this mercury poisoned brain thats all I can think of.My doses are 50 mg of DMSA and 60 mg of ALA. I'm not doing all that well with taking my supplements. At first it was about 30 pills every morning and I started choking them down so I backed off a bit and spread them throughout the day. I'm currently on my 11th round. I have a long way to go but so far being 1/5th the way there I say this protocol definitely is the way to go !
Thanks, Yall

 Joey R <><

Monday, May 28, 2012

10th round down.

Well I just finished my 10th round and I don't really know if this is redistribution or really bad allergies.(I'm calling it my 10th round because I'm counting my 7 day round as two rounds ;) I moved a couple girls into my apartment and I moved myself out. My place can get pretty dusty. Which I read somewhere that people with Mercury poisoning are more likely to shed more skin and dust is mainly skin follicles so it all makes sense to me. But I sneezed 1000x's last night and now woke up in a new place, which was my old place but couldn't really sleep. I do know the Mercury that hit my gut during redistribution has caused the Candida to flare up, that I don't even need to guess on. All my supplements are back at my house in a box that I can't go grab for at least another 4-5 hrs. (it's 6 a.m. in the morning.) My sinuses feel like a bomb went off in them, It's amazing I can even type a sentence together because the pressure from my sinuses and the all too familiar brain fog is back full force. On this round I upped my doses; 50 mg of DMSA and 60 mg of ALA. I'm done talking with people about Mercury poisoning. I'm sick of the look you get. I had just read on my Yahoo Frequent dose chelation group, some lady saying she'd rather have Cancer because people have sympathy because its well known with in the medical community but Mercury poisoning....not so much.(I've had Cancer, I don't want it back ! ) But I understand what she is saying. I know for the most part, people don't believe that you're Amalgams or "silver fillings" can make you sick, if it were true, why would the American Dental Association continue to use them.Since they continue to use them, that must be an indication that they're completely safe, Right???...... I believe it was Adolph Hitlers right hand man who had said ''if you tell the people a lie long enough eventually they'll believe it, and they re more likely to believe the larger lie than a smaller one." Is it really that hard to believe. Inside the Amalgam is 50% Mercury, the 2nd most toxic element in all of the world. After much debate they will admit that the toxic heavy metal does in fact leech out of the filling. It comes with a skull and crossbones on the box so its toxic going into the teeth, NOT TOXIC when in your mouth but if extracted has to be handled according to OSHA regulations as toxic again.....And you look at me as if I'm crazy???...O.K. I admit that I'm not playing with a full deck but to get into the whole discussion on how Mercury is a neuro-toxin and affects ones ability to socialize is a discussion I'd rather not have ever again. And don't get me started on the Vaccination shots with Autism. I watched a video on YouTube where the guy who I believe wrote "It's all in your head" had said that he believed all of this is an attempt to dumb down a nation. Statistically its already happened.We've already taken down our SAT scores in the past 50 to 60 years.So that students can pass. Autism is 1 in 88,We have ADD , ADHD, Bi-Polar disorder. Depression, anxiety.The medical community is making a killing$$$.... "keep moving folks, nothing to see here, its all under control."

  I've been dealing with a lot of anger while on round. I do know that Mercury causes many emotional disturbances but my anger has been the most prevalent. Fortunately I don't share it with anyone ;)  I read on an old blog the other day that this guy was dealing with anger all of the time while on round, he would blame the DMSA because at that stage in his healing he hadn't yet added the ALA. I believe it. Also I had to take a physical for a pre-employment screening and the only thing that came back on my blood work that was off was my Creatinine levels were high which indicated that I was rather dehydrated or I had a bad heart that wasn't pumping enough blood through my kidneys so its showing that my kidneys could use a good flushing. I could go either way with this one. I had a brother who passed away at 46 with a massive heart attack and I guess its in the family. But with all the Mercury running through my heart and the racing I get while on round I'm sure isn't the healthiest for it but on the other side of the coin I'm always thirsty and never can quench that thirst. I don't drink nearly as much as I should so I'm probably just dehydrated. I only pee 15x's a day, not including the 4x's I get up at night. nothing new on this round. Didn't experience that much in a positive way this round. I feel worse than when I first began. I also know this is common among the majority of us who are chelating. Ups and downs, hills and valleys My eyes are burning, I think I might attempt to try and catch some shut eye before my oh so miserable day of dealing with this redistribution again. all on the way to the road to recovery. Theyre will be a day that my memory is back. My emotions are stable, my fatigue is gone. That my chances will greatly increased of living this life with more vibrancy than if I never knew I was poisoned by Mercury. I'm better than when I first began because this round removed more Mercury and less Mercury is a healthier me.I'm thankful to God for having lead me this far. I don't fully understand why but as He audibly spoke to Pastor John ....(.last name evades me due to brain fog.) " Have I not given you a peace That far surpasses understanding ? and pastor John answers , "Yes, Lord" and the Lord responded..."Then don't try and find it through understanding....His last name was Courson ;)

  Grace and peace yall,  Joey Ruggiero <><

Thursday, May 24, 2012

8th round down, currently on my 9th.

Hey y'all Mercury poisoned people out there, hows everyone hanging in there? Me , Im aiiight  ! It's been a rough week or two but I'm back up and running. If you've read my last blog, twice I attempted to do a round and sleep got the best of me. My last attempt lasted only two days. So that was one day, missed dose, took a day off, attempted again ,missed my 3 am dose....again. took a day off. began another round and did two days, missed that same 3 am round and called it all a round ! =p four non-consecutive days of Mercury being excreted from my body, never again wreaking havoc on my mind and emotions...I call it a success !

 I'm currently on round 8., First day back on and I upped my doses to 60 mg of ALA and 50 mg of DMSA. The ALA I have is 60 mg and I'm sick of splitting up my doses so it iz what it izzz...

I have noticed slight improvements since chelation. My emotions aren't as out of whack as say a year ago. Last year I was a lot more insecure and cared a WHOLE lot about what people thought about me vs now. I'm able to relax a little. I read on my Yahoo mercury chelation group that depression is the first thing to go. I'm feeling that very same thing. one of my best friends just had 5 amalgams removed. He's dealing with all of the emotional problems as well as severe headaches. He's not fully convinced that Mercury is his problem but was at least willing to remove his exposure of Mercury. I tell people about how their medical problems are most definitely caused by the Mercury that are in there teeth and they look at me like I've lost my marbles....For the most part I have but as Aine who is the author of "Getting the Mercury out" says in her Youtube video, "you're not crazy, its the Mercury !..." Its nice to finally put you're finger on something instead of believing you're crazy or you're just plain stupid...There's a calmness that came over me knowing that everyday of chelation is one day closer to getting back to the real me...Though I don't really know who that real me is? Being that I've been poisoned since I was 8 years old. I can't imagine feeling 100% What is our full potential if Mercury isn't there to hinder us? Dr.Kuttar says that after chelating a child of Mercury and them being fully restored, they are able to keep that part of their brains that try to make up for the other 1/2 that was poisoned by the Mercury. Meaning that they're all extremely intelligent. I wonder what are capabilities are without Mercury hindering our memory and emotions. Our confidence being restored. I plan on taking every opportunity when that day happens. I want to be the best at my job, The best friend, the best brother, the best uncle, and Lord willing the best husband and dad anyone could ask for. I look forward to challenging my body and exercising and being fit and healthy in every area of my life.

 Grace and peace, Joey <><

Friday, May 18, 2012

Still working on the 7th round.

After my last round in which I attempted a seven day round, I took 7 days off and experienced some serious redistribution. Two days ago, I attempted to begin round 7 and woke up @ 6 a.m. and realized I had slept through my 3a.m. dose so I took a day off as Andy suggests.Yesterday I attempted to try round 7 and again slept through my 3 a.m. round.(iphone is acting up !) So tomorrow morning I'll give it another go. I went out and bought Pregnenolone and Artichoke extract. The Pregnenolone is good for cognitive issue's( clearer thinking, memory recall. Some report that colors becoming more vivid to them.) and the artichoke extract is good for liver support as well as other things I'm sure. I just landed a really great job and I start in two weeks and I hope I can still chelate while on ship and it not effect my job. If I can still work on getting this Mercury out of my system and get my memory back, I know I'll be much more efficient at my job. I kind of fear going out there in the event my Mercury acts up while off round. This job comes with great responsibility. It's not like I can tell my new boss I've been poisoned by my Amalgam fillings which contain 50% Mercury and I struggle with memory and emotional problems..... It's bad enough the people that are close to me think I'm crazy for believing in mercury poisoning ! =p  I was able to spot Mercury poisoning in two very close friends of mine and they are currently in the process of getting the mercury out. I'm just glad God heard my prayer as I asked him a few years ago to lead me to the cure of whatever was going on with me and He has. Healing takes time. Both in the physical as well in the heart. Take care ya'll !

Grace and peace, Joe <><

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Infant Vaccines Produce Autism Symptoms In New Primate Study By University Of Pittsburgh Scientists

Findings released Friday showed that infant monkeys given vaccines officially recommended by the CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) exhibited autism-like symptoms. Lead investigator Laura Hewitson of the University of Pittsburgh and colleagues presented study results at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) in London. Safety studies of medicines are typically conducted in monkeys prior to use in humans, yet such basic research on the current childhood vaccination regimen has never before been done.

The abstracts presented at IMFAR, the world's top autism science conference, describe biological changes and altered behavior in vaccinated macaques that are similar to those observed in children with autism. Unvaccinated animals showed no such adverse outcomes. The vaccines given were those recommended for U.S. infants in the 1990s, including several with the mercury preservative thimerosal and the Measles-Mumps-Rubella vaccine. Rates of autism spectrum disorder among children born in the 1990s surged dramatically, from about 1 in 5,000 to 1 in 150 children.

"This research underscores the critical need for more investigation into immunizations, mercury, and the alterations seen in autistic children," stated Lyn Redwood, director of SafeMinds. "SafeMinds calls for large scale, unbiased studies that look at medical conditions associated with autism and the effects of vaccines given as a regimen."

The group's request for research echoes that of Dr. Bernadine Healy, Former NIH Director, in a CBS interview earlier this week. She asserted that public health officials have been too quick to dismiss an autism-vaccine connection when the research has been insufficient. The government recently conceded a federal vaccine court case which agreed that a child regressed into autism as a result of 9 vaccines given on one day.

"The full implications of this primate study await publication of the research in a scientific journal," noted Theresa Wrangham, president of SafeMinds. "But we can say that it demonstrates how the CDC evaded their responsibility to investigate vaccine safety questions. Vaccine safety oversight should be removed from the CDC and given to an independent agency."

Thursday, May 3, 2012

6th round down.

 On this round, I extended it to a 7 day round. Being that the brain fog is still a problem, I'm gonna take my buddy Sean's advice and make up a box that has all my doses in three hr increments. I could of swore I hadn't taken my dose and took one just in case so as not too cause redistribution. I had wanted to extend the round anyway but one of the pastors at my church had asked me to cover for him in teaching a class to high school kids about the dangers of S.T.I's ( sexually transmitted infection's) as well as saving sex for marriage. If I had stopped my round I know I was going to be dealing with the effects of redistribution so I kept it going. If longer rounds cause the redistribution I experienced yesterday and still feeling it today and I'm sure I'll experience some tomorrow, I'll stick to my 3 days on/3 days off. I hate this feeling. My emotions were pretty stable while on round but now I'm wanting to just shelter myself off from society. Its crazy what Mercury does to a person, it makes you a different person or hinders you from being the person you really are. In the midst of all the fog and confusion, both mentally and emotionally God is doing something awesome in my life. God had opened two opportunities in my life to speak publicly in which I have a fear of doing. This is a common problem for most people but I'm sure the mercury has something to do with it as well. I know its Him telling me not to fear, to be strong and courageous. There's no greater feeling than the God of the universe speaking to you personally and intimately,drawing you to Himself. by drawing you out from yourself. It's a scenario where a loving Father is teaching His son something that is fearful for the child to learn because its a path that child has never been on. Like riding a bike. Sure you might fall, scrape you're knee but its the love of a father that encourages you to get back up and try again. I was fearful during the first 10 minutes of the teaching but began to relax and understand, I wasn't there to cover for a friend. I was there because God  had opened a door for me to speak truth into the lives of children who mainly are lost. Many have homes where there is brokenness in those homes. Fathers aren't there anymore and they're choosing to make unwise decisions because it brings a feeling of comfort but like the most of us. We choose that comfort and behind it comes unexpected consequences. Consequences that we reflect why would we ever have made that decision in the first place.I know I've looked for many comforts and all were pleasurable for a season and that season ended and I only ended up with shame and guilt. I'm very thankful to God that He is all the comfort I'll ever need. In you alone Lord Jesus, I find life and its eternal, a joy and a peace that is inexhaustible.

Grace and peace, Joe <><

Monday, April 23, 2012

5th round unsuccesful

On my second day of Chelation. I had stayed out rather late and I brought enough doses with me for my 9 o'clock dose which would of brought me to 12:00 and I stayed out till 1 a.m. By the time I got home it was already past the four hour mark so I followed Andy's suggestion if you miss a dose to take as many days off as you had on. So I'm taking one more day off and starting back up on Thursday. I'm having problems with my Candida but that's only from eating thing's I'm not suppose to. Brain fog still my biggest issue, I was suppose to take a big test with the Coasties on the 27th but I cancelled. I feel that I'm not ready.Brain fog, short term memory loss, despondency, at times, low self esteem, socially uncomfortable...All of those thing's took the wind out of my sails for any such test. As I coming up on my 6th round, I'm gonna push for more day's on round. If I feel good I'll do it. I did add 12.5 mg's of DMSA to my doses.Nothing in the way of side effects that were significantly different. other than knowing that the Mercury had came out of hiding  and my brain/emotions and physical body knew it. I'll add 5 mg to ALA in a round or two.Still looking for work, kicking out resume's like crazy. I'll go when God wants me to go. Right now, focusing on getting healthy is probably more important. The longer I can stay afloat, The more mercury is excreted, The less brain fog I'll have, the more confident and productive I'll be while on ship. I've let despondency effect my relationship with God, I know I said the Brain fog was my biggest complaint but this would be what weighs me down the most. I can't blame the mercury on that one, (Though I do.) I love that He is my only joy in all of this pain I'm experiencing. Even in the midst of my choosing to play the silent treatment at times, He never lets go.... who loves like that but God ?

Goodnight friends, Joey R.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

4 rounds down.

I just finished my fourth round this morning and I'm starting to understand a little bit better about how this might go. When I first start my rounds as the mercury is stirred up I have a rough first day. my second is a little better and my third I actually start to feel pretty good.We had something in my city called "The Delray affair" its a bunch of booths of various companies in my city and my church had a booth. I was there but the Mercury that was being stirred had caused some pretty bad social anxiety, so that was fun. Thousands of people walking around and me wanting to hide in a bush ! =p  I considered going another day of chelation but got side tracked and realized I was 45 minutes late for my dose and didn't have any prepared so I called it quits. I also realized on Sunday night how much I have improved.( since having my amalgams removed a year and a half ago.) I was invited over a friends house for a little get together and I had some Coke. ( The kind you drink ;) and usually it would give me the worst brain fog and my Candida would severely flare up but it didn't. I'm still gonna stay away from all sugars and stick to my healthy way of eating. I just figured a little treat now and again is well deserved ;) Next round, I'm going to up my dose of DMSA to 25 mg. I'll keep my ALA to 10 mg. for the next few rounds so I'll know, if any side effects occur, I'll know which chelater would be possibly causing the side effects. This round I found that local Bee Pollen had something in it that my body was craving because I feel great after taking it. I'm really struggling with not having any motivation and the Bee pollen gives you lots of energy. Its hard to read anything because of the lack of ability to comprehend that which I am reading. I'm out of work and submitting resume's are such a difficult task. I REALLY look forward to my memory improving so that I can go on with my life....

            Grace and peace, Joe <><


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Round 3 complete.

Well, I just took my last dose on this round. My brain fog has been really bad but the lack of desire to do just about anything is even worse.It's like having this big black cloud hovering over your head....Over your heart. I have a pretty big test coming up and I haven't even began to prepare for it. I half cleaned my house yesterday and I have no motivation to do the other half. I'm suppose to be kicking out resume's but the hiring websites have been jerking me around with my password. I can never remember because of the brain fog, and they say I'm always wrong with the security question. For me its the lack of ability to comprehend just about anything. Typing out a simple resume seems impossible at the time of brain fog. Right now it's pretty heavy.... 3 rounds down. I can't wait till it's 30 rounds down....60 rounds down.I'm glad God heard my prayers and lead me to the cure. Now its patience and having faith. "Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" -Hebrews 11:1


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 1 of round 3 down.

I feel pretty good. As I started this morning I was EXHAUSTED later in the day so I took a nap and it felt great. Felt pretty rested when I awoke. I had an awesome opportunity to talk with a pastor friend of mine who I heard that his child was autistic. I hadn't spoken with him in awhile and asked him if he had ever heard of chelation therapy, he hadn't so I was very excited to share with him my journey and the fact that there is hope by Gods grace of getting past his autism and getting his son back ! =) Tomorrow is resurrection day, contemplating on whether I might up the days on this one...Maybe four, maybe more ;) This is moving rather nicely...Now. The roller coaster isn't much fun and I look forward to getting off. I woke up prior to my first dose and felt despondency. A lack of motivation to experience life at its fullest. I have no drive to find a job, feelings that , hey, if they take the condo, let em' take it. It's not like I have the brain capacity to comprehend anything at work anyway.  I have much hope in my memory coming back and my adrenals being rebooted. Not feeling so sad or depressed. I love God and all that He's done for me and even though my heart becomes  filled with apathy at times, yet He still leads me on.  He gives my heart the gift to commune with Him, to bask in His presence. Nothing in this life that can be presented to me that even comes close to passionately knowing Him. I know my heart and how much I don't deserve Him and He loves me still. If God who knows the thoughts and intents of the heart and knows all of me and still loves me, that gives me humility, it humbles me before Him. To Glorify God and enjoy Him forever. This is my story on how I'm chelating from mercury, but interwoven is how God is the one that has lead me to the healing waters, His name is Jesus and whether or not you believe it, He has lead you too. To bring you to a place where you can experience a clear mind and a clear heart so that you might seek Him and find Him and experience freedom not only from the poison of heavy metals, but something so far more toxic, the toxicity of your sin that has nailed Him to a cross. I'm thankful for the freedom that God has given me, and also thankful for the freedom I will experience, both in the physical as well as in the heart ! =) Day two of round three, here I come !

Grace and peace, Joe <><


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 3 of round 2 done.

I finished my 2nd round and I felt AMAZING today ! I can't help but think how this round had such a spiritual connotation to it. When things seem REALLY really bad, just know there will be a tomorrow. Our present does not dictate our future. As soon as I woke up I felt alive, fully rested, ready to take on the day. I got into my devotionals. My heart was free from worry or being anxious about nothing in particular, which is usually the case. I had the ability to open my heart to the Lord and allow Him to speak His mercy into it. Driving today and feeling my heart irresistibly wanting to worship my Savior. My day ended with such a blessing. A friend needed help moving and I jumped at the chance. Those who deal with mercury poisoning on an every day basis know of the days when we just want to draw the blinds and shelter ourselves from society. It was nice to help a friend in need and hang out for a bit as well as love on her little baby that she's fostering. There was another little girl there who just got her 6 month immunization shots. She was not doing well at all. I couldn't help but think that her poor little body was trying to cope with the amount of mercury that was just injected into it. My friends foster baby just finished his shots last week and already needs breathing treatments. The more video's I watch, The more blogs I read, I can't help but have this anger grow inside of me.I couldn't imagine having an Autistic child. If other nations through there research removed mercury from there immunizations shots or at least lightened the load and have seen a drastic decline in Autistic children then why aren't we doing it ? ....I agree with most out there who fight this battle, I believe the 'the man' whoever he is, is all about the $$$ ! The almighty dollar is more important than the lives of little ones. The bible says that God fashioned the souls of men, I believe one of the way's anger is honoring to God is when it is expressed for those who cannot stand up for themselves. When it cry's out for righteousness and truth. as Martin Luther said "Peace if possible, truth at all cost."

  Love and grace, Joe <><

Monday, April 2, 2012

2nd day down of round 2.

I created this blog to keep a record of my own progress during chelation,Gain insights from others that have already went down the path and also help those who are looking for that path of healing from the debilitating effects that Mercury has on the body.   I'd have to say today was the worst experience I have ever had with brain fog. I've read so many blogs,Read the books "Getting the Mercury out.", "Amalgam illness" as well as reading the Yahoo chelation groups and I very much look forward to getting this mercury out of my system and feeling fully recovered. I am glad I found the answer to my problems. Every symptom I have can be found in the effects mercury has on one's body.  Its half past midnight and I just swallowed my last DMSA/ALA pill to finish off the second day and definitely something different in the way of side effects. My stomach is hot, almost as indigestion wants to rise up, definitely something going on in the cranium as well. Feeling my self slip back into that all too familiar place of brain fog. For those who know what this feels like; the lack of ability to concentrate and comprehend whats before us. A good book, the ability to gain deep insight in your vocation to where your boss is pleased with your ability to prosper at work...To be the "Go to guy"...(or girl ;) I personally work in the engine room on ships. The more I can comprehend all of the components of the engineering department, the better I am at my job. There's great money on ships but nobody wants someone who doesn't have ability to attain what he is being taught. I will say for us who finally  make it over this hump, will no what its like to not have the ability to use our minds in a productive and effective manner and do so with great fervency. Day two of round two down. Good night no one....( Being that I just started this blog and I'm the only one on it  =)