Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Update while off round.

I just wanted to share with ya'll what I've been going through while off round this time. I started a round about two weeks ago that lasted six days. I got a job working on ships and really wanted to step up my game and really start getting aggresive in my chelation in the hope that my brain fog symptoms would get clearer...I couldn't have been more wrong, actually the opposite happened. My brain fog has been thick in a way it hasnt been in a really long time. When I began my round, I upped my DMSA to 100 mg and kept my ALA at 120 mg. I began dosing every two hours verses every three. While I was on round I felt pretty good. other than a few side effects with emotions, there was no complaints...This redistribution somehow distributed more mercury into my brain than I expected....I go out to sea tomorrow. I'm constantly looking for words, forgetting everything...The pressure from my brain fog is pretty intense. I noticed that one symptom has returned. My brian fog would be effected depending on the foods I ate, after the first ten rounds or so that disappeared. I just had some chicken and vegetables and its amazing I'm even typing this. Also I experienced some pretty severe panic attacks. That has went away, not fully, but to a place where i can be in public if I have to. I have one a friend that doesn't believe my problems are Mercury related so I can't share with him anything I'm going through which makes it worse,I shared with him I was going through a panic attack and he brushed off mercury as the problem and had asked me if I was willing to see a therapist. I cant understand why people are so hesitant to believe that mercury is toxic ? My emotions are waaaay out of whack which after the 14th round I was pretty stable in that area. So to say the least I've regressed significantly by trying to be too aggressive. My friend Sean has told me that its a marathon not a sprint...slow and steady wins the race. why am I always the guy that has to learn the hard way...I had my fillings removed Sept of 10' started the Cutler protocol four months ago and right now I feel like I did before I had my amalgams removed...From now on It is slow and steady, progress, not perfection.

 Hills and valleys expected, but I sure wish this was a shout from the mountain instead of one from the valley, but this is where we learn....in the valley is where things grow.

  Joey Ruggiero

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Round 15 & 16 finished.

Well, I got back from being out at sea and wanted to get pretty agressive in my chelation so I made a big order of DMSA and it was waiting here for me when I got home. I upped my doses to 100 mg of DMSA and I believe my last couple of rounds was with 50 mg of DMSA and 120 of ALA so 120 mg of ALA is maxed out as well as the 100 mg of DMSA.( I couldn't afford anymore than that) I also started dosing every two hours vs. every three, which took a lot of the emotional and physical complications I was having away.I just chelated for 6 straight days. 3 days being a round so 3x's 2=6 hence 15 & 16th round complete ;)This is my 1st day off and the redistribution isn't all that bad. My only gripe is my Candida came back to pay me a little visit, I thought that was pretty much gone. I would say a good portion of that is my own laziness in feeding the candida with Gluten and sugars. While on ship, you eat whats there but I know I could be more aware of my dietery needs. I'll try harder I guess ;) ,

  Hills and valleys.... There are times that the cognitive function of my brain is showing significant improvements and other times I can hardly finish a sentence. I was told if I keep my Gluten intake down, My memory will improve. This seems like an impossible task for me being that I work on ships in the Gulf, most cooks are cajun and cook everything fried. Lots of shrimp and catfish, which I avoid anything from the sea due to not wanting any mercury in my system. Right now, I have a good amount of fatigue...definitely due to the Cookie crunch frappachino ar Starbucks I indulged in about an hour ago. It wipes me out. I must become vigilant in my diet. I also realized that my digestive system acts up while on round... I always new this but never attributted it fully to the mercury. I just took two weeks off of chelation while on ship, ate what I wanted and was pretty regular, Got home, began chelating and low and behold my movements ain't moving nowherez !...As soon as I got off round. I got back to being regular. I did up my intake of magnesium and vitamin C and that helped some. other than that, thats all I've got.Also, still dealing with the anger while on rounds. I'm glad this is only due to the Chelation because I would never want to always be angry like that. It hinders from relationship with friends. me no likey, I feel when I'm around people, they don't want me around. Like I'm different and they notice it. Like I don't fit in. I know this is the mercury because its in every book I've read up on the subject. We feel weird,socially. Its are emotions being effected by the 2nd most toxic element on the planet hitting are brain and endocrine system and giving us these feelings....The bad news is, for the most of us who has been poisoned since we were children,(Like myself) after the mercury is out we have to learn some social interaction skills. Dr Pompa says that he notices that he is not as social as he used to be, even after he was done chelating and had to learn how to be comfortable in social gatherings again. The sooner this stuff is out, the better ! I have 6 days till I go back out to sea. I have 2 & 3/4 bottles of 100 mg of DMSA and one bottle of 25 mg... a bottle of ALA as well. I'm gonna go light while out there but chelate nontheless. probably drop it down to 25 mg of DMSA and 25-30 mg of ALA. it feels good to come down a bit. Its a pleasant pulling of the mercury, =)

  till next time, Joey <><

Monday, July 16, 2012

Round 14 complete.

Just a quick update while I was out at sea. I just finished a round on 25 mg of DMSA only. I chose to do so low a dose from my usual 50 mg of DMSA and 120 of ALA so I wouldn't have to deal with redistribution and I'd have to say how pleasant it was. Also, as soon as I took it, I went to sleep and when I woke up from my alarm, I was pondering the dream I just had. The funny thing is, I'm one of those Mercury poisoned people that does not dream....Or at least I don't remember them. At least once or twice during a shift I sweat right through my clothes, so if one way of excreting Mercury is through sweating, I should be done chelating in just a few hitches ! ;) I didn't want to Chelate while I was on ship but I had gained enough confidence in my performance at work that I figured I could deal with a little ole' 25 mg of DMSA...I plan to do so every time I'm on ship. I know the argument is that DMSA does not cross the blood brain barrier but I beg to differ, I'm no scientist, nor am I a chemist but the dreaming thing was more than enough for me to believe that DMSA can in fact cross the blood brain barrier. The very first round I ever took was 12.5 mg of DMSA and I dreamt that night. Also there's something to be had about taking a brake. I took some two weeks off and I'd have to say the round was quite pleasant....On the second day I was experiencing slight brain fog but it cleared up today...So now do I chelate with just DMSA or continue with ALA ?.... Being that Cutler believes that ALA is the most beneficial in removing mercury from the brain, I'll continue to do the DMSA/ALA during the rounds. But I also heard Cutler and Dr Pompa talk about doing doses every 2 hours and people not experiencing such harsh redistribution as well as being able to take higher mg of chelators. So when I'm home I'll hit it real hard, 7 day rounds, every two hours. I'm upping my doses to 100 mg of DMSA and sticking with 120 MG of ALA. I don't see myself getting any higher than that. That's expensive enough. Today is Monday, I'm leaving Wednesday. 21 days on/ 21 days off. By Gods grace, I got by this hitch o.k. I learned some things I didn't know before. I was able to grasp some concepts of various different aspects of Marine engineering I didn't know 21 days ago. I'm gonna keep pushing through this, Hopefully some day I'll know everything there is to know about Marine engineering. Oh, How nice it will be to grasp the reigns of intelligence !

 IN Christ , Joey Ruggiero

Monday, July 2, 2012

Update while at sea.

I'm sitting here pondering all that this mercury has taken from me. Tonight I'll go down in to the engine room. My brain fog might or might not kick in. If it does not, I'll have a good shift. My boss will talk about certain components of this ship and how they work and what I must do to keep this ship as a whole to keep it working efficiently. If I go down below and the mercury happens to take over, Its over before it began. No matter what anyone says to me I won't be able fully comprehend it. I remember pre-mercury. If I didn't know of a certain subject, If I was subjected to it long enough my brain did what it was designed to do and learn, but as one of the symptoms of mercury poisoning the mind, one is incapable of learning anything.I sit here with a tremendous opportunity to make a lot of money. Working anywhere in the oil industry your gonna rack in the dough. This company is building 16 brand new ships and its not the largest in the Gulf. Some 60 or so Oil rigs are suppose to built in the next few years. The only problem I have is that I can't learn how to efficiently do my job if this mercury doesn't come out of my brain. I have 13 rounds in, Cutler says 50 rounds people "Start" to feel themselves again. I was listening to an interview the other day with Cutler and another doctor that used the Cutler protocol because he was poisoned by his amalgams and the doctor quoted something that Cutler had told him, he told him its going to take a good 3-4 years before being at 100%....I don't have that long. I want the magic pill. I want to take one pill and everything return back to as they were pre amalgam. Unfortunately thats not how it works. I'm in this for the long hall...

 I'm considering on chelating while on ship. If my brain isn't going to function correctly than there's no reason I should hold back from healing it. I only have enough DMSA for one round @ 25 mg a dose. I was up to 50 mg. I have plenty of ALA, though I'll have to make smaller doses. I have 120 mg pills and last round knocked me through a loop.

Mercury is a horrible element. It takes everything from you. It acts just like sin. its almost impossible to get rid of.(Sin is, apart from the blood of Christ.) Its always there to completely ruin your life.If anyone has been following my posts, they would realize that I haven't been talking all that much about God. My greatest passion my heart has ever experienced I feel I just can't enjoy anymore because of the way mercury has its grip on me. Someone who's brain isn't completely poisoned won't understand how it feels to have someone talking to them and the words are like Snoopy's teacher just gabbing away and the neurons aren't doing their job and putting the words together and confirming a conclusion. its a horrible feeling. I sat on the back deck and the chief mate was telling me and another gentleman about one of the mates that went home. He was complaining about having Lyme disease. Now I know that Lyme disease mirror's mercury poisoning. I know that as they chelate they get better....Maybe this cat doesn't know he's mercury poisoned. The Chief Mate was mocking the lad for such an outrageous claim. It sucks having something that your friends and your family can't have sympathy for because they simply don't believe you. I've talked to people about Mercury and I get that "look." LIke I'm a kook. a whack job. a funny duddy. one who doesn't have all his marbles. When I first came to Christ, I had someone in church prophesy over me that "Through my mouth I will heal many, It's what I had been through and it has to do with children. It says in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4 "  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort,who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." When one has been afflicted with mercury and all its debilitating effects it has on the body and mind and is healed from those effects, they can't help but share the good news. Its the very reason the Gospel has taken root in every continent and country in the world. People are poisoned by the effects of sin. It dims there whit spiritually and holds them captive to do what ever it so desires and Jesus comes and saves them and heals them and comforts them. They have no other choice but to tell of this great and mighty thing God had done for them.

There is a victory story, One day I will sit on top of the mountain and shout of the healing waters that flows from Jesus. If that happens to be helping people cope with Mercury poisoning or being a Pastor or an elder or an evangelist. One who disciples people on how to get well through the effects of whatever is debilitating them. No matter where He leads me, I hope to do so with His passion.

 In His service,

  Joey Ruggiero