Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Round 15 & 16 finished.

Well, I got back from being out at sea and wanted to get pretty agressive in my chelation so I made a big order of DMSA and it was waiting here for me when I got home. I upped my doses to 100 mg of DMSA and I believe my last couple of rounds was with 50 mg of DMSA and 120 of ALA so 120 mg of ALA is maxed out as well as the 100 mg of DMSA.( I couldn't afford anymore than that) I also started dosing every two hours vs. every three, which took a lot of the emotional and physical complications I was having away.I just chelated for 6 straight days. 3 days being a round so 3x's 2=6 hence 15 & 16th round complete ;)This is my 1st day off and the redistribution isn't all that bad. My only gripe is my Candida came back to pay me a little visit, I thought that was pretty much gone. I would say a good portion of that is my own laziness in feeding the candida with Gluten and sugars. While on ship, you eat whats there but I know I could be more aware of my dietery needs. I'll try harder I guess ;) ,

  Hills and valleys.... There are times that the cognitive function of my brain is showing significant improvements and other times I can hardly finish a sentence. I was told if I keep my Gluten intake down, My memory will improve. This seems like an impossible task for me being that I work on ships in the Gulf, most cooks are cajun and cook everything fried. Lots of shrimp and catfish, which I avoid anything from the sea due to not wanting any mercury in my system. Right now, I have a good amount of fatigue...definitely due to the Cookie crunch frappachino ar Starbucks I indulged in about an hour ago. It wipes me out. I must become vigilant in my diet. I also realized that my digestive system acts up while on round... I always new this but never attributted it fully to the mercury. I just took two weeks off of chelation while on ship, ate what I wanted and was pretty regular, Got home, began chelating and low and behold my movements ain't moving nowherez !...As soon as I got off round. I got back to being regular. I did up my intake of magnesium and vitamin C and that helped some. other than that, thats all I've got.Also, still dealing with the anger while on rounds. I'm glad this is only due to the Chelation because I would never want to always be angry like that. It hinders from relationship with friends. me no likey, I feel when I'm around people, they don't want me around. Like I'm different and they notice it. Like I don't fit in. I know this is the mercury because its in every book I've read up on the subject. We feel weird,socially. Its are emotions being effected by the 2nd most toxic element on the planet hitting are brain and endocrine system and giving us these feelings....The bad news is, for the most of us who has been poisoned since we were children,(Like myself) after the mercury is out we have to learn some social interaction skills. Dr Pompa says that he notices that he is not as social as he used to be, even after he was done chelating and had to learn how to be comfortable in social gatherings again. The sooner this stuff is out, the better ! I have 6 days till I go back out to sea. I have 2 & 3/4 bottles of 100 mg of DMSA and one bottle of 25 mg... a bottle of ALA as well. I'm gonna go light while out there but chelate nontheless. probably drop it down to 25 mg of DMSA and 25-30 mg of ALA. it feels good to come down a bit. Its a pleasant pulling of the mercury, =)

  till next time, Joey <><


  1. Congrats on another two rounds! I can't wait to start countin' along with you, though I'll be a few behind... Your cookie crunch frapucchino made me LOL -- I have no clue how you guys get away with that stuff. I react to anything beyond a handful of bland veggies, quinoa, millet, soaked almonds, and salad. Someone in the FDC forum today referenced Andy's comment that we'll know we've made it when we can go to McDonalds and feel nothing afterward! Ha, that made me LOL too :)

  2. I know, I'm a toal glutton for punishment ! =) Ive heard many people talk about the improvements in their overall health from avoiding Gluten and sugars. My friends get on me when I eat Gluten because it causes me to cough and clear my throat for about an hour...I tell them the only way i'm avoiding Gluten is to leave South Florida, buy some farmland in the Carolinas and grow my own produce,have my own well water that goes through a reverse osmosis filtration system, stock up on chelators and supplements and I'd be back in a few years ! =)

  3. Though we may not be dreamin' much these days, you paint the exact picture of the mercury poisoned dreams... Organic, clean, simple living at its best :)

    1. That is my dream ! ;) I found a couple in Boynton beach that have a little farm. They have their own cows and chickens, they grow their own produce. I asked them while I'm not on ship could I donate my time so I could learn the ways of the farmer, they gladly said yes ! =)

    2. What a perfect trade. It's a win-win for both of you. Good call! I'm spoiled between my dad and uncles growing my vegetables organically, and having the farmer's market just on the other side of the river, 3 times a week. Winters are tough having to buy my food at an actual store ;) I can't even imagine how it has to be for you to cope with everything while on ship... Prayers your way for continued strength. Oh, and hey, my Amalgam Illness book came yesterday! I ordered a used copy, and it came all weathered and highlighted up to the yazoo. I love it :)

    3. Prayers very much appreciated ! =) I do my best to stick to organic while I'm home...Ship life iz what it izzz... I love the whole persona of it all. Large engines screaming, Machines every where, tools galore !... Some day I'll give it all up, maybe for the farmers life, who knows ;p
      Your blessed to have your dad and uncles harvesting good clean food for you...Being originally from Boston, I don't miss the winters AT ALLLL !!! ;)

    4. I've lost a couple of my posts on here, both in the process of typing them and after I've thought I'd posted... Not sure how to email on here or YouTube, but please feel welcome to email me directly at whenever you feel so inclined! I know the feelings we all go through with this, and can imagine yours are exacerbated with being on ship, and I think it proves great therapy to write it out, let it go, without judgment, and know someone who understands can be there to support. One of the posts I started the other day on here was a venting of my own (God deleted it on me for a reason, I'm sure!) :) P.S. I was able to get out to my grandma's this morning with my dad to harvest some of our organic veggies :)

    5. Awesome I'll shoot'chya an email right now instead of going back and forth on here ! ;)

  4. Joe - Start building up a stock of gluten-free food. I buy Bachelor's sugar free baked beans - they are a great snack with some gluten-free bread. When you go to work, just fill up a ruck-sack with 20 or so tins, along with some other dry gluten-free snacks, foods, etc... It is manageable - you just need to figure out what's GF and what isn't.

    If I digest gluten, it destroys me. Completely wipes me out. learn the process for managing your diet, it will take time - but the benefits will outweigh the cons.

    Also - if you were taking doses every 2 hours for 6 days, that's 72 doses. A normal round is only 24 doses. So according to my math, that's 3 rounds you've complete. I know the half life of ALA is about 3 hours, so the 2 round doses aren't really neccessary - but if you feel they help you, go for it. I couldn't imagine having to wake up every 2 hours for doses, 3-hour intervals is tough enough as it is.

    I know you want to push through this as quickly as possible, but like I said - it's an endurance, not a sprint. Don't over-do it. Figure out what works best for you.

    Take care, congrats on another 2 (or 3...!) rounds ;)

    1. Thanks Sean O ! =) I planned on doing a 9 day for 3 rounds but I guess I completed that in 6 days ! =) It definitely works out better in all aspects. If I wasnt working,I couldn't afford the 100mg doses but I'll get as much as I can when I can.

      While sleeping I dose every 3 hrs or there would be no sleep ;)

      There is still a really long road ahead of me. Just when I think Ive tackled one thing, it comes back to bite me...

      Also I think the Skype support group is a great idea, I dont know if I could do it from the ship but I'm down for that when I'm on land.
      Thanks again brother ! =)
