Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Update while off round.

I just wanted to share with ya'll what I've been going through while off round this time. I started a round about two weeks ago that lasted six days. I got a job working on ships and really wanted to step up my game and really start getting aggresive in my chelation in the hope that my brain fog symptoms would get clearer...I couldn't have been more wrong, actually the opposite happened. My brain fog has been thick in a way it hasnt been in a really long time. When I began my round, I upped my DMSA to 100 mg and kept my ALA at 120 mg. I began dosing every two hours verses every three. While I was on round I felt pretty good. other than a few side effects with emotions, there was no complaints...This redistribution somehow distributed more mercury into my brain than I expected....I go out to sea tomorrow. I'm constantly looking for words, forgetting everything...The pressure from my brain fog is pretty intense. I noticed that one symptom has returned. My brian fog would be effected depending on the foods I ate, after the first ten rounds or so that disappeared. I just had some chicken and vegetables and its amazing I'm even typing this. Also I experienced some pretty severe panic attacks. That has went away, not fully, but to a place where i can be in public if I have to. I have one a friend that doesn't believe my problems are Mercury related so I can't share with him anything I'm going through which makes it worse,I shared with him I was going through a panic attack and he brushed off mercury as the problem and had asked me if I was willing to see a therapist. I cant understand why people are so hesitant to believe that mercury is toxic ? My emotions are waaaay out of whack which after the 14th round I was pretty stable in that area. So to say the least I've regressed significantly by trying to be too aggressive. My friend Sean has told me that its a marathon not a sprint...slow and steady wins the race. why am I always the guy that has to learn the hard way...I had my fillings removed Sept of 10' started the Cutler protocol four months ago and right now I feel like I did before I had my amalgams removed...From now on It is slow and steady, progress, not perfection.

 Hills and valleys expected, but I sure wish this was a shout from the mountain instead of one from the valley, but this is where we learn....in the valley is where things grow.

  Joey Ruggiero


  1. Love what you're sayin' about the hills and valleys, the valleys being the places of growth... So true. Don't be so hard on yourself -- it may feel like you're back to square one, but I bet your shrimp and scallops if someone could cut you open and inspect your tissue, there's less mercury in you today than there was when you started. All is not lost. And look at what you've learned since you started. Tough lessons and more mercury down the drain. That is progress. Be proud you've made it into the race, and aren't still looking for the sign up sheet. Take it easy on ship!

  2. Thanks Tara, I feel somewhat better. Emotions not so out of whack. I chock it up to not supporting my liver as I should. That was probably the most mercury I had released from my tissues since I started chelation. I might start another round as soon as I settle in on ship but at a low dosage. maybe 50 mg of DMSA and 30 of ALA...I find that ALA packs a bigger punch symptoms wise. Leaving in a bit for the airport, if there's internet onboard I'll keep you updated ! =)

  3. Hey Joe, just realised you had replied to my post on the yahoo chelation forums, I've put my blog back up for viewing so if you want to check it out here's a link:


    Good to see we're not completely alone in this!

  4. And I guess I can now add mine to the list too... :)


  5. Hi Joe, Perhaps there is also a component of the stress involved in getting into this new job and pushing your energy reserves down. This happened to me recently. Pushed my abilities past my 'energy envelope', then ended up fogged out, slurring and had massive pains in my heart and chest. Stress, pressure and also over exerting ourselves also causes body dysfunction, plus chelating at the same time is super stressful to the body. Rest up.

  6. Hey Joe. I know how you feel in regards to brain fog. I'm on my 17th round & I am still using 25mg ala & 25mg DMSA. Your doses seem high to me, but maybe I'm too cautious(or sissy). Could be you're moblising metals beyond your excretion abilities & so experiencing redistribution. I don't beleive there's a fast tract to recovery. God bless you.
    Thanks Matt Grosk

    1. Hey Matt, perhaps I'm too gung-ho about getting this Mercury out of my body, that round was a doozy. I'm currently on ship, I'll be getting off here in a week and back to chelation. Slow and steady. One dose at a time.

      God bless brother, Joey R
