Sunday, June 8, 2014

Round 48 complete.

Just posting a quick update. I finished round 48, its been about a month and I'm currently on round 49. Ive been experiencing a lot off illness. Its seems I'm super susceptible to virus's/colds. I live down stairs from a family that has 5 kids. When I'm home, I'm always up there, hanging out and enjoying the fellowship of my two friends who are the parents of the five little ones. Ive had pneumonia, strep throat twice. Also Ive getting absolutely slammed with allergies. I live in Western North Carolina and the pollen is really bad so I shut down as soon as I get home. My lungs have been really bad. its almost as I grew into asthma. Ive never had had asthma before?

  I've been at sea for the past 10 days and attempted one round and failed at taking my dose so I took three days off. I hope to finish this round strong and possibly get one or two more in before I can get off this boat.

I have found significant relief in my brain fog. I added a few things to the arsenal of supplements/ Ashwagandha root (in the form of tea) has been my go to for this. I've also been taking Lithium oroate. I've also been taking Iodine which is suppose to help with excretion of mercury. I'm not sure how exactly, only that when one is chelating, they're excretion increases significantly.

 Due to experiencing frequent illnesses and being at sea, its been slow in the way of chelation but I'm still in the fight. I appreciate all the emails I've been getting. Its a blessing to know that I have helped people in this fight against HG poisoning. Please refer to if you'd like to contact me, That's my main email address and check that more often.

 In Christ,

  Joey Ruggiero <><

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