Tuesday, April 17, 2012

4 rounds down.

I just finished my fourth round this morning and I'm starting to understand a little bit better about how this might go. When I first start my rounds as the mercury is stirred up I have a rough first day. my second is a little better and my third I actually start to feel pretty good.We had something in my city called "The Delray affair" its a bunch of booths of various companies in my city and my church had a booth. I was there but the Mercury that was being stirred had caused some pretty bad social anxiety, so that was fun. Thousands of people walking around and me wanting to hide in a bush ! =p  I considered going another day of chelation but got side tracked and realized I was 45 minutes late for my dose and didn't have any prepared so I called it quits. I also realized on Sunday night how much I have improved.( since having my amalgams removed a year and a half ago.) I was invited over a friends house for a little get together and I had some Coke. ( The kind you drink ;) and usually it would give me the worst brain fog and my Candida would severely flare up but it didn't. I'm still gonna stay away from all sugars and stick to my healthy way of eating. I just figured a little treat now and again is well deserved ;) Next round, I'm going to up my dose of DMSA to 25 mg. I'll keep my ALA to 10 mg. for the next few rounds so I'll know, if any side effects occur, I'll know which chelater would be possibly causing the side effects. This round I found that local Bee Pollen had something in it that my body was craving because I feel great after taking it. I'm really struggling with not having any motivation and the Bee pollen gives you lots of energy. Its hard to read anything because of the lack of ability to comprehend that which I am reading. I'm out of work and submitting resume's are such a difficult task. I REALLY look forward to my memory improving so that I can go on with my life....

            Grace and peace, Joe <><



  1. Congrats Joe - That's 4 big ones down! And 4 rounds less of mercury in your body. I think you'll be safely able to move up to 25mg of DMSA no problem, and 25mg of ALA a few weeks after that just fine.

    Hit me up if you have any questions! Always make sure to hit your doses on time, it's very important.

    Take care my good friend!


    1. Thank you so much Sean! I've been taking my doses every three hours and have my phone set to the schedule. I feel better off round than on but I remember last time this year and I was constantly anxious and depressed and had some pretty bad brain fog, It's been a year and a half, still a long journey but in comparison to when I had the fillings in to the way I feel now, I feel soooo much better ! =)

    2. thanks for the invite to your no more mercury blog Joe it is greatly appreciated. i am curious to know what type of diet do you carry?
      is it a low carb diet? and how many amalgams did you get removed? i am going to read all your posts lol im probably asking questions that are already on your blog :P

      coke is too sugary.... :O, i ask so many questions forgive me but what type of treat do you eat?

    3. Hey Veronica,It is a low carb diet I mainly try and stick with the candida diet which consists of Protein and vegetables. I can tolerate organic brown rice, Quinua and oatmeal. I do experience some brain fog with these carbs but its minimal. My brain fog is a lot clearer when its just protein and veggies and even clearer if I were to stick to a vegan diet, I'm just a guy who loves red meat and chicken so I don't think I could ever do that ! =)I do have a friend that was just diagnosed with Mercury poisoning because he ate fish excessively over the past five years so I avoid any fish.
      I had four amalgams removed. One set they had put in when I was 8 and another when I was 13. I had all four removed Sept. of 10' So prior to chelation with Andy's protocol I had a year and a half of no amalgams. I was taking chlorella, Zeolite, cilantro tincture, juice fasting. So the body burden was diminished somewhat prior to chelation.
      Yes Coke is waaay too sugary and it was the first coke I had in a really long time. It used to knock me on my butt but I found that it wasn't that bad. I'm also noticing the more I'm removing the mercury the more I can cheat a little on my diet. But I try and stick with it as close as possible. With a few snacks here and there ;)
      For snacks, I keep in moderation. when a sugar craving comes on I keep berries in my fridge.Strawberries, blueberries. There sweet enough to curb the craving but not all that high in sugar but its still there so be careful depending on where you are in your healing from mercury. Also I found that the Gluten free snacks are pretty good ( watch out for the sugar in some) gluten free chips dipped in hummus is a favorite. And again, I sneak a few snacks that aren't on the list when I feel like I deserve it ;) Yogurt is good, especially for the probiotics to keep your digestive system pretty healthy.
      Ask all the questions you're heart desires. I have a friend on here who has been chelating a lot longer. His name is Sean, If you go on his blog, Reject Mercury,He's extremely helpful to me, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to ask any questions you might have as well =)

      Do you currently still have or have you had you're amalgams removed?

      Thanks for posting Veronica ! =)

  2. Stick at it - you'll feel a bit shaky for the first few weeks, but you'll eventually start feeling better on the dose than off. At least I did anyway.
