Monday, April 23, 2012

5th round unsuccesful

On my second day of Chelation. I had stayed out rather late and I brought enough doses with me for my 9 o'clock dose which would of brought me to 12:00 and I stayed out till 1 a.m. By the time I got home it was already past the four hour mark so I followed Andy's suggestion if you miss a dose to take as many days off as you had on. So I'm taking one more day off and starting back up on Thursday. I'm having problems with my Candida but that's only from eating thing's I'm not suppose to. Brain fog still my biggest issue, I was suppose to take a big test with the Coasties on the 27th but I cancelled. I feel that I'm not ready.Brain fog, short term memory loss, despondency, at times, low self esteem, socially uncomfortable...All of those thing's took the wind out of my sails for any such test. As I coming up on my 6th round, I'm gonna push for more day's on round. If I feel good I'll do it. I did add 12.5 mg's of DMSA to my doses.Nothing in the way of side effects that were significantly different. other than knowing that the Mercury had came out of hiding  and my brain/emotions and physical body knew it. I'll add 5 mg to ALA in a round or two.Still looking for work, kicking out resume's like crazy. I'll go when God wants me to go. Right now, focusing on getting healthy is probably more important. The longer I can stay afloat, The more mercury is excreted, The less brain fog I'll have, the more confident and productive I'll be while on ship. I've let despondency effect my relationship with God, I know I said the Brain fog was my biggest complaint but this would be what weighs me down the most. I can't blame the mercury on that one, (Though I do.) I love that He is my only joy in all of this pain I'm experiencing. Even in the midst of my choosing to play the silent treatment at times, He never lets go.... who loves like that but God ?

Goodnight friends, Joey R.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

4 rounds down.

I just finished my fourth round this morning and I'm starting to understand a little bit better about how this might go. When I first start my rounds as the mercury is stirred up I have a rough first day. my second is a little better and my third I actually start to feel pretty good.We had something in my city called "The Delray affair" its a bunch of booths of various companies in my city and my church had a booth. I was there but the Mercury that was being stirred had caused some pretty bad social anxiety, so that was fun. Thousands of people walking around and me wanting to hide in a bush ! =p  I considered going another day of chelation but got side tracked and realized I was 45 minutes late for my dose and didn't have any prepared so I called it quits. I also realized on Sunday night how much I have improved.( since having my amalgams removed a year and a half ago.) I was invited over a friends house for a little get together and I had some Coke. ( The kind you drink ;) and usually it would give me the worst brain fog and my Candida would severely flare up but it didn't. I'm still gonna stay away from all sugars and stick to my healthy way of eating. I just figured a little treat now and again is well deserved ;) Next round, I'm going to up my dose of DMSA to 25 mg. I'll keep my ALA to 10 mg. for the next few rounds so I'll know, if any side effects occur, I'll know which chelater would be possibly causing the side effects. This round I found that local Bee Pollen had something in it that my body was craving because I feel great after taking it. I'm really struggling with not having any motivation and the Bee pollen gives you lots of energy. Its hard to read anything because of the lack of ability to comprehend that which I am reading. I'm out of work and submitting resume's are such a difficult task. I REALLY look forward to my memory improving so that I can go on with my life....

            Grace and peace, Joe <><


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Round 3 complete.

Well, I just took my last dose on this round. My brain fog has been really bad but the lack of desire to do just about anything is even worse.It's like having this big black cloud hovering over your head....Over your heart. I have a pretty big test coming up and I haven't even began to prepare for it. I half cleaned my house yesterday and I have no motivation to do the other half. I'm suppose to be kicking out resume's but the hiring websites have been jerking me around with my password. I can never remember because of the brain fog, and they say I'm always wrong with the security question. For me its the lack of ability to comprehend just about anything. Typing out a simple resume seems impossible at the time of brain fog. Right now it's pretty heavy.... 3 rounds down. I can't wait till it's 30 rounds down....60 rounds down.I'm glad God heard my prayers and lead me to the cure. Now its patience and having faith. "Now faith is assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" -Hebrews 11:1


Saturday, April 7, 2012

Day 1 of round 3 down.

I feel pretty good. As I started this morning I was EXHAUSTED later in the day so I took a nap and it felt great. Felt pretty rested when I awoke. I had an awesome opportunity to talk with a pastor friend of mine who I heard that his child was autistic. I hadn't spoken with him in awhile and asked him if he had ever heard of chelation therapy, he hadn't so I was very excited to share with him my journey and the fact that there is hope by Gods grace of getting past his autism and getting his son back ! =) Tomorrow is resurrection day, contemplating on whether I might up the days on this one...Maybe four, maybe more ;) This is moving rather nicely...Now. The roller coaster isn't much fun and I look forward to getting off. I woke up prior to my first dose and felt despondency. A lack of motivation to experience life at its fullest. I have no drive to find a job, feelings that , hey, if they take the condo, let em' take it. It's not like I have the brain capacity to comprehend anything at work anyway.  I have much hope in my memory coming back and my adrenals being rebooted. Not feeling so sad or depressed. I love God and all that He's done for me and even though my heart becomes  filled with apathy at times, yet He still leads me on.  He gives my heart the gift to commune with Him, to bask in His presence. Nothing in this life that can be presented to me that even comes close to passionately knowing Him. I know my heart and how much I don't deserve Him and He loves me still. If God who knows the thoughts and intents of the heart and knows all of me and still loves me, that gives me humility, it humbles me before Him. To Glorify God and enjoy Him forever. This is my story on how I'm chelating from mercury, but interwoven is how God is the one that has lead me to the healing waters, His name is Jesus and whether or not you believe it, He has lead you too. To bring you to a place where you can experience a clear mind and a clear heart so that you might seek Him and find Him and experience freedom not only from the poison of heavy metals, but something so far more toxic, the toxicity of your sin that has nailed Him to a cross. I'm thankful for the freedom that God has given me, and also thankful for the freedom I will experience, both in the physical as well as in the heart ! =) Day two of round three, here I come !

Grace and peace, Joe <><


Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Day 3 of round 2 done.

I finished my 2nd round and I felt AMAZING today ! I can't help but think how this round had such a spiritual connotation to it. When things seem REALLY really bad, just know there will be a tomorrow. Our present does not dictate our future. As soon as I woke up I felt alive, fully rested, ready to take on the day. I got into my devotionals. My heart was free from worry or being anxious about nothing in particular, which is usually the case. I had the ability to open my heart to the Lord and allow Him to speak His mercy into it. Driving today and feeling my heart irresistibly wanting to worship my Savior. My day ended with such a blessing. A friend needed help moving and I jumped at the chance. Those who deal with mercury poisoning on an every day basis know of the days when we just want to draw the blinds and shelter ourselves from society. It was nice to help a friend in need and hang out for a bit as well as love on her little baby that she's fostering. There was another little girl there who just got her 6 month immunization shots. She was not doing well at all. I couldn't help but think that her poor little body was trying to cope with the amount of mercury that was just injected into it. My friends foster baby just finished his shots last week and already needs breathing treatments. The more video's I watch, The more blogs I read, I can't help but have this anger grow inside of me.I couldn't imagine having an Autistic child. If other nations through there research removed mercury from there immunizations shots or at least lightened the load and have seen a drastic decline in Autistic children then why aren't we doing it ? ....I agree with most out there who fight this battle, I believe the 'the man' whoever he is, is all about the $$$ ! The almighty dollar is more important than the lives of little ones. The bible says that God fashioned the souls of men, I believe one of the way's anger is honoring to God is when it is expressed for those who cannot stand up for themselves. When it cry's out for righteousness and truth. as Martin Luther said "Peace if possible, truth at all cost."

  Love and grace, Joe <><

Monday, April 2, 2012

2nd day down of round 2.

I created this blog to keep a record of my own progress during chelation,Gain insights from others that have already went down the path and also help those who are looking for that path of healing from the debilitating effects that Mercury has on the body.   I'd have to say today was the worst experience I have ever had with brain fog. I've read so many blogs,Read the books "Getting the Mercury out.", "Amalgam illness" as well as reading the Yahoo chelation groups and I very much look forward to getting this mercury out of my system and feeling fully recovered. I am glad I found the answer to my problems. Every symptom I have can be found in the effects mercury has on one's body.  Its half past midnight and I just swallowed my last DMSA/ALA pill to finish off the second day and definitely something different in the way of side effects. My stomach is hot, almost as indigestion wants to rise up, definitely something going on in the cranium as well. Feeling my self slip back into that all too familiar place of brain fog. For those who know what this feels like; the lack of ability to concentrate and comprehend whats before us. A good book, the ability to gain deep insight in your vocation to where your boss is pleased with your ability to prosper at work...To be the "Go to guy"...(or girl ;) I personally work in the engine room on ships. The more I can comprehend all of the components of the engineering department, the better I am at my job. There's great money on ships but nobody wants someone who doesn't have ability to attain what he is being taught. I will say for us who finally  make it over this hump, will no what its like to not have the ability to use our minds in a productive and effective manner and do so with great fervency. Day two of round two down. Good night no one....( Being that I just started this blog and I'm the only one on it  =)